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Duktape API

Introduction §

Version: 2.6.0 (2020-10-13)

Document scope §

The Duktape API (defined in duktape.h) is a set of constants and API calls which allows C/C++ programs to interface with ECMAScript code and shields them from internal details like value representation.

This document provides a concise reference for the Duktape API and its core concepts. If you're new to Duktape, please read the Duktape Programmer's Guide first.

Searching for functions using browser search §

You can use browser search (typically CTRL-F) to search for function definitions by prepending a dot to the search term. For instance, use ".duk_example_func" to look for duk_example_func(). In most browsers only the actual section defining the function should be found.

API safety §

As a general rule, API calls check all their parameters and tolerate NULL arguments and invalid value stack indices without unsafe behavior (crashes).

One major exception is the initial Duktape context argument, ctx. Unless stated otherwise, it is not checked and is required to be non-NULL or unsafe behavior may occur. This is the case because explicit checks for the argument would increase code footprint for little practical gain.

Also see Error handling best practices, especially to avoid uncaught errors which lead to difficult to diagnose fatal errors.

API calls may be macros §

All Duktape API calls are potentially macros. The implementation of a certain API call may change between a macro and an actual function even between compatible releases. See Duktape API for more discussion.

Minimal Duktape program §

#include "duktape.h"

int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
    duk_context *ctx = duk_create_heap_default();
    if (ctx) {
        duk_eval_string(ctx, "print('Hello world from Javascript!');");
    return 0;

Notation §

Value stacks §

This document uses the following stack notation. Stacks are represented visually with the stack growing to the right. For instance, after:

duk_push_number(ctx, 123);
duk_push_string(ctx, "foo");

the stack would look like:

[ 123 "foo" true ]

The elements on the stack which don't affect the operation are denoted with a single element with ellipsis ("..."):

[ . . . ]

The elements actively operated on, either being read, written, inserted, or removed, have a white background:

[ . . . obj key ]

Elements which are identified by an explicit index in an API call are indicated with surrounding ellipsis elements, to emphasize that they may be anywhere in the stack:

[ . . . obj . . . key value ]

In some cases the index of an element may be emphasized with a number or symbolic value in parenthesis:

[ . . . val(index) val(index+1) . . . ]

Stack transformation is represented with an arrow and two stacks:

[ . . . obj . . . key value ] [ . . . obj . . . ]

Concepts §

Heap §

A single region for garbage collection. Shared by one or more contexts.

Context §

A handle used in the Duktape API, associated with a Duktape thread (coroutine) and its call and value stacks.

Call stack (of a context) §

Book-keeping of the active function call chain of a context. Includes both ECMAScript and Duktape/C function calls.

Value stack (of a context) §

Storage for tagged values belonging to current activations in a context's call stack.

The values kept in a value stack are traditional tagged types. Stack entries are indexed either from the bottom (>= 0) or from the top (< 0) of the most recent function call.

Value stack index §

Non-negative (>= 0) indices refer to stack entries in the current stack frame, relative to the frame bottom:

[ 0 1 2 3 4 5 ]

Negative (< 0) indices refer to stack entries relative to the top:

[ -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 ]

The special constant DUK_INVALID_INDEX is a negative integer which denotes an invalid stack index. It can be returned from API calls and can also be given to some API calls to indicate a "no value".

The value stack top (or just "top") is the non-negative index of an imaginary element just above the highest used index. For instance, above the highest used index is 5, so the stack top is 6. The top indicates the current stack size, and is also the index of the next element pushed to the stack.

[ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ]

API stack operations are always confined to the current stack frame. There is no way to refer to stack entries below the current frame. This is intentional, as it protects functions in the call stack from affecting each other's values.

Stack type §

TypeType constantType mask constantDescriptionHeap alloc
(none)DUK_TYPE_NONEDUK_TYPE_MASK_NONEno type (missing value, invalid index, etc)no
stringDUK_TYPE_STRINGDUK_TYPE_MASK_STRINGimmutable stringyes
objectDUK_TYPE_OBJECTDUK_TYPE_MASK_OBJECTobject with propertiesyes
bufferDUK_TYPE_BUFFERDUK_TYPE_MASK_BUFFERmutable byte buffer, fixed/dynamicyes
pointerDUK_TYPE_POINTERDUK_TYPE_MASK_POINTERopaque pointer (void *)no
lightfuncDUK_TYPE_LIGHTFUNCDUK_TYPE_MASK_LIGHTFUNCplain Duktape/C pointer (non-object)no

The "Heap alloc" column indicates whether the tagged value points to a heap allocated object with possibly additional allocations (like object property table).

Stack type mask §

Each stack type has a bit index which allows a set of stack types to be represented as a bit mask. Calling code can use such bit sets to e.g. check whether or not a certain stack value belongs to a set of types. Example:

if (duk_get_type_mask(ctx, -3) & (DUK_TYPE_MASK_NUMBER |
                                  DUK_TYPE_MASK_STRING |
                                  DUK_TYPE_MASK_OBJECT)) {
    printf("type is number, string, or object\n");

There is a specific API call for matching a set of types even more conveniently:

if (duk_check_type_mask(ctx, -3, DUK_TYPE_MASK_NUMBER |
                                 DUK_TYPE_MASK_STRING |
                                 DUK_TYPE_MASK_OBJECT)) {
    printf("type is number, string, or object\n");

Array index §

ECMAScript object and array keys can only be strings; this includes array indices (0, 1, 2, ...) which are expressed as canonical string representations ("0", "1", "2", ...) of the respective numbers for all integers in the range [0, 2**32-2]. Conceptually any key used in a property lookup is first coerced to a string, so that obj[123] is really just a shorthand for obj["123"].

Duktape tries to avoid explicit number-to-string conversions for array accesses whenever possible, so it is preferable to use numeric array indices in both ECMAScript code and C code using the Duktape API. There are typically API call variants accepting strings and numeric indices.

Duktape/C function §

A C function with a Duktape/C API signature can be associated with an ECMAScript function object or a lightfunc value, and gets called when the associated value is called from ECMAScript code. Example:

duk_ret_t my_func(duk_context *ctx) {
    duk_push_int(ctx, 123);
    return 1;

Argument count given in value stack is specified when the corresponding ECMAScript function object is created: either a fixed number of arguments of DUK_VARARGS for getting arguments "as is":

Function return values:

No error message can be given when using the error shorthand:

duk_ret_t my_func(duk_context *ctx) {
    if (duk_get_top(ctx) == 0) {
        /* throw TypeError if no arguments given */
        return DUK_RET_TYPE_ERROR;
    /* ... */

Stashes §

A stash is an object reachable from C code using the Duktape/C API, but which is unreachable from ECMAScript code. Stashes allow C code to store internal state which can be safely isolated from ECMAScript code. There are three stashes:

Header definitions §

This section summarizes some commonly needed header definitions in duktape.h. It is not exhaustive and the excerpts have been reorganized for readability. Don't rely on specific define values, only the define names. When in doubt, consult the header directly.

Duktape version §

Duktape version is available through the DUK_VERSION define:

DUK_VERSION Numeric value (major * 10000 + minor * 100 + patch)

For example, version 2.3.4 would have the value 20304. The same value is available to ECMAScript code through Duktape.version. For pre-releases DUK_VERSION is one less than the actual release, e.g. 2.4.0 pre-release would be 20399. See Versioning.

Git information §

The following Git identifiers are available (all refer to the Duktape GitHub repo):

DUK_GIT_DESCRIBE Git describe string for the Duktape build. For official releases this is just "v1.0.0" or similar, but for snapshot builds it provides useful version information, e.g. "v1.0.0-155-g5b7ef1f-dirty".
DUK_GIT_COMMIT Exact commit hash where distributable was built from.
DUK_GIT_BRANCH Branch where the distributable was built from. This is useful to identify prototypes built from a development branch.

There are no equivalent defines in the ECMAScript environment.

Debug protocol version §

Debug protocol version number:

DUK_DEBUG_PROTOCOL_VERSION Version number of the debug protocol (a single integer)

Structs and typedefs §

typedef struct duk_hthread duk_context;

typedef duk_ret_t (*duk_c_function)(duk_context *ctx);
typedef void *(*duk_alloc_function) (void *udata, duk_size_t size);
typedef void *(*duk_realloc_function) (void *udata, void *ptr, duk_size_t size);
typedef void (*duk_free_function) (void *udata, void *ptr);
typedef void (*duk_fatal_function) (void *udata, const char *msg);
typedef void (*duk_decode_char_function) (void *udata, duk_codepoint_t codepoint);
typedef duk_codepoint_t (*duk_map_char_function) (void *udata, duk_codepoint_t codepoint);
typedef duk_ret_t (*duk_safe_call_function) (duk_context *ctx, void *udata);
typedef duk_size_t (*duk_debug_read_function) (void *udata, char *buffer, duk_size_t length);
typedef duk_size_t (*duk_debug_write_function) (void *udata, const char *buffer, duk_size_t length);
typedef duk_size_t (*duk_debug_peek_function) (void *udata);
typedef void (*duk_debug_read_flush_function) (void *udata);
typedef void (*duk_debug_write_flush_function) (void *udata);
typedef void (*duk_debug_detached_function) (duk_context *ctx, void *udata);

struct duk_memory_functions {
        duk_alloc_function alloc_func;
        duk_realloc_function realloc_func;
        duk_free_function free_func;
        void *udata;
typedef struct duk_memory_functions duk_memory_functions;

struct duk_function_list_entry {
	const char *key;
	duk_c_function value;
	duk_int_t nargs;
typedef struct duk_function_list_entry duk_function_list_entry;

struct duk_number_list_entry {
	const char *key;
	duk_double_t value;
typedef struct duk_number_list_entry duk_number_list_entry;

Error codes §

Error codes used by e.g. duk_error():

DUK_ERR_NONE No error, e.g. from duk_get_error_code()

Return codes from Duktape/C functions §

Shorthand return values for Duktape/C functions, e.g. return DUK_RET_TYPE_ERROR is similar to calling duk_type_error() but shorter:

DUK_RET_ERROR Similar to throwing with DUK_ERR_ERROR
DUK_RET_EVAL_ERROR Similar to throwing with DUK_ERR_EVAL_ERROR
DUK_RET_TYPE_ERROR Similar to throwing with DUK_ERR_TYPE_ERROR
DUK_RET_URI_ERROR Similar to throwing with DUK_ERR_URI_ERROR

Return codes for protected calls §

Return codes for protected calls (e.g. duk_safe_call(), duk_pcall()):

DUK_EXEC_SUCCESS Call finished without error
DUK_EXEC_ERROR Call failed, error was caught

Compilation flags for duk_compile() §

Compilation flags for e.g. duk_compile() and duk_eval():

DUK_COMPILE_EVAL Compile eval code (instead of program)
DUK_COMPILE_FUNCTION Compile function code (instead of program)
DUK_COMPILE_STRICT Use strict (outer) context for program, eval, or function

Flags for duk_def_prop() §

Flags for duk_def_prop() and its variants:

DUK_DEFPROP_HAVE_VALUE Set value (given on value stack)
DUK_DEFPROP_HAVE_GETTER Set getter (given on value stack)
DUK_DEFPROP_HAVE_SETTER Set setter (given on value stack)
DUK_DEFPROP_FORCE Force change if possible, may still fail for e.g. virtual properties

Some convenience variants omitted, see duk_def_prop().

Enumeration flags for duk_enum() §

Enumeration flags for duk_enum():

DUK_ENUM_INCLUDE_NONENUMERABLE Enumerate non-numerable properties in addition to enumerable
DUK_ENUM_INCLUDE_HIDDEN Enumerate hidden Symbols too (in Duktape 1.x called internal properties)
DUK_ENUM_INCLUDE_SYMBOLS Enumerate Symbol keys (default is not to enumerate them)
DUK_ENUM_EXCLUDE_STRINGS Do not enumerate string keys (default is to enumerate them)
DUK_ENUM_OWN_PROPERTIES_ONLY Don't walk prototype chain, only check own properties
DUK_ENUM_ARRAY_INDICES_ONLY Only enumerate array indices
DUK_ENUM_SORT_ARRAY_INDICES Sort array indices (applied to full enumeration result, including inherited array indices)
DUK_ENUM_NO_PROXY_BEHAVIOR Enumerate a proxy object itself without invoking proxy behavior

Garbage collection flags for duk_gc() §

Flags for duk_gc():

DUK_GC_COMPACT Compact heap objects

Coercion hints §

Coercion hints:

DUK_HINT_NONE Prefer number, unless coercion input is a Date, in which case prefer string (E5 Section 8.12.8)
DUK_HINT_STRING Prefer string
DUK_HINT_NUMBER Prefer number

Symbol literal macros §

The following macros are defined for creating internal Symbol representations as C literals. All arguments must be string literals and cannot be computed values:

DUK_HIDDEN_SYMBOL(x) A C literal for a Duktape specific hidden Symbol
DUK_GLOBAL_SYMBOL(x) A C literal for a global symbol, equivalent to Symbol.for(x)
DUK_LOCAL_SYMBOL(x,uniq) A C literal for a local symbol, equivalent to Symbol(x), unique part provided in 'uniq' must not conflict with Duktape internal format, recommendation is to prefix the unique part with a "!"
DUK_WELLKNOWN_SYMBOL(x) A C literal for a well-known symbol like Symbol.iterator
DUK_INTERNAL_SYMBOL(x) A C literal for a Duktape internal symbol; an application shouldn't normally use this macro at all, it is reserved for Duktape internal symbols only (with no versioning guarantees)

Misc defines §

DUK_INVALID_INDEX Stack index is invalid, missing, or n/a
DUK_VARARGS Function takes variable arguments
DUK_API_ENTRY_STACK Number of value stack entries guaranteed to be reserved at function entry

API calls by tag §

1.0.0 §

1.1.0 §

1.2.0 §

1.3.0 §

1.4.0 §

1.5.0 §

1.6.0 §

2.0.0 §

2.1.0 §

2.2.0 §

2.3.0 §

2.4.0 §

2.5.0 §

base64 §

borrowed §

buffer §

bufferobject §

bytecode §

call §

cbor §

codec §

compare §

compile §

debug §

debugger §

error §

experimental §

finalizer §

function §

heap §

heapptr §

hex §

inspect §

json §

lightfunc §

literal §

magic §

memory §

module §

object §

property §

protected §

prototype §

random §

sandbox §

slice §

stack §

stash §

string §

symbol §

thread §

time §

vararg §

.duk_alloc() 1.0.0 memory §

Prototype §

void *duk_alloc(duk_context *ctx, duk_size_t size);

Stack §

(No effect on value stack.)

Summary §

Like duk_alloc_raw() but may trigger a garbage collection to satisfy the request. However, the allocated memory itself is not automatically garbage collected. The allocation request may fail even after garbage collection, in which case a NULL is returned. The allocated memory is not automatically zeroed, and may contain arbitrary garbage.

Memory allocated with duk_alloc() can be freed with either duk_free() or duk_free_raw().

Example §

/* Although duk_alloc() triggers a GC if necessary, it can still fail to
 * allocate the desired amount of memory.  Caller must check for NULL
 * (however, if allocation size is 0, a NULL may be returned even in
 * a success case).
void *buf = duk_alloc(ctx, 1024);
if (buf) {
    printf("allocation successful: %p\n", buf);
} else {
    printf("allocation failed\n");

See also §

.duk_alloc_raw() 1.0.0 memory §

Prototype §

void *duk_alloc_raw(duk_context *ctx, duk_size_t size);

Stack §

(No effect on value stack.)

Summary §

Allocate size bytes using the raw allocation function registered to the context. If allocation fails, returns NULL. If size is zero, the call may either return a NULL or some non-NULL value which may be safely given to e.g. duk_free_raw(). The allocation cannot trigger a garbage collection, and the allocated memory is not automatically garbage collected. The allocated memory is not automatically zeroed, and may contain arbitrary garbage.

Memory allocated with duk_alloc_raw() can be freed with either duk_free() or duk_free_raw().

Example §

void *buf = duk_alloc_raw(ctx, 1024);
if (buf) {
    printf("allocation successful: %p\n", buf);
} else {
    printf("allocation failed\n");

See also §

.duk_base64_decode() 1.0.0 codec base64 §

Prototype §

void duk_base64_decode(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . base64_val . . . ] [ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Decodes a base-64 encoded value into a buffer as an in-place operation. If the input is invalid, throws an error.

Example §

duk_push_string(ctx, "Zm9v");
duk_base64_decode(ctx, -1);  /* buffer */
printf("base-64 decoded: %s\n", duk_to_string(ctx, -1));

/* Output:
 * base-64 decoded: foo

.duk_base64_encode() 1.0.0 codec base64 §

Prototype §

const char *duk_base64_encode(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ] [ . . . base64_val . . . ]

Summary §

Coerces an arbitrary value into a buffer and then encodes the result into base-64 as an in-place operation. Returns a pointer to the resulting string for convenience.

Coercing to a buffer first coerces a non-buffer value into a string, and then coerces the string into a buffer. The resulting buffer contains the string in CESU-8 encoding.

Example §

duk_push_string(ctx, "foo");
printf("base-64 encoded: %s\n", duk_base64_encode(ctx, -1));

/* Output:
 * base-64 encoded: Zm9v

.duk_buffer_to_string() 2.0.0 string stack buffer §

Prototype §

const char *duk_buffer_to_string(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ] [ . . . buffer_to_string(val) . . . ]

Summary §

Replace the buffer value (plain buffer or any buffer object) at idx with a string whose internal byte representation is taken 1:1 from the buffer (same as if the buffer data was pushed using duk_push_lstring()). Returns a non-NULL pointer to the read-only, NUL-terminated string data. A TypeError is thrown if (1) the argument is not a buffer value, (2) the argument is a buffer object whose backing buffer doesn't cover the apparent buffer size, (3) the index is invalid.

Because the buffer data is used as is for the string created, this API call allows creation of Symbol values unless the buffer data is first sanitized.

Custom type coercion is described in Type conversion and testing.

Since Duktape 2.0 the duk_to_string() coercion for a buffer value is typically something like "[object Uint8Array]", which is not usually intended.

Example §

unsigned char *ptr;
ptr = (unsigned char *) duk_push_fixed_buffer(ctx, 4);
ptr[0] = 0x61;
ptr[1] = 0x62;
ptr[2] = 0x63;
ptr[3] = 0x64;  /* 61 62 63 64 */
printf("coerced string: %s\n", duk_buffer_to_string(ctx, -1));

.duk_call() 1.0.0 call §

Prototype §

void duk_call(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t nargs);

Stack §

[ . . . func arg1 . . . argN ] [ . . . retval ]

Summary §

Call target function func with nargs arguments (not counting the function itself). The function and its arguments are replaced by a single return value. An error thrown during the function call is not automatically caught.

The target function this binding is initially set to undefined. If the target function is not strict, the binding is replaced by the global object before the function is invoked; see Entering Function Code. If you want to control the this binding, you can use duk_call_method() or duk_call_prop() instead.

This API call is equivalent to:

var retval = func(arg1, ..., argN);


var retval =, arg1, ..., argN);

Example §

/* Assume target function is already on stack at func_idx; the target
 * function adds arguments and returns the result.
duk_idx_t func_idx = /* ... */;

duk_dup(ctx, func_idx);
duk_push_int(ctx, 2);
duk_push_int(ctx, 3);
duk_call(ctx, 2);  /* [ ... func 2 3 ] -> [ ... 5 ] */
printf("2+3=%ld\n", (long) duk_get_int(ctx, -1));

.duk_call_method() 1.0.0 call §

Prototype §

void duk_call_method(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t nargs);

Stack §

[ . . . func this arg . . . argN ] [ . . . retval ]

Summary §

Call target function func with an explicit this binding and nargs arguments (not counting the function or the this binding value). The function object, the this binding value, and the function arguments are replaced by a single return value. An error thrown during the function call is not automatically caught.

If the target function is not strict, the binding value seen by the target function may be modified by processing specified in Entering Function Code.

This API call is equivalent to:

var retval =, arg1, ..., argN);

Example §

/* The target function here prints:
 *    this: 123
 *    2 3
 * and returns 5.

duk_push_string(ctx, "(function(x,y) { print('this:', this); "
                     "print(x,y); return x+y; })");
duk_eval(ctx);  /* -> [ ... func ] */
duk_push_int(ctx, 123);
duk_push_int(ctx, 2);
duk_push_int(ctx, 3);
duk_call_method(ctx, 2);  /* [ ... func 123 2 3 ] -> [ ... 5 ] */
printf("2+3=%ld\n", (long) duk_get_int(ctx, -1));  /* prints 5 */

.duk_call_prop() 1.0.0 property call §

Prototype §

void duk_call_prop(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t obj_idx, duk_idx_t nargs);

Stack §

[ . . . obj . . . key arg1 . . . argN ] [ . . . obj . . . retval ]

Summary §

Call obj.key with nargs arguments, with this binding set to obj. The property name and the function arguments are replaced by a single return value; the target object is not touched. An error during the function call is not automatically caught.

If the target function is not strict, the binding value seen by the target function may be modified by processing specified in Entering Function Code.

This API call is equivalent to:

var retval = obj[key](arg1, ..., argN);


var func = obj[key];
var retval =, arg1, ..., argN);
Although the base value for property accesses is usually an object, it can technically be an arbitrary value. Plain string and buffer values have virtual index properties so you can access "foo"[2], for instance. Most primitive values also inherit from some prototype object so that you can e.g. call methods on them: (12345).toString(16).

Example §

/* obj.myAdderMethod(2,3) -> 5 */
duk_idx_t obj_idx = /* ... */;

duk_push_string(ctx, "myAdderMethod");
duk_push_int(ctx, 2);
duk_push_int(ctx, 3);
duk_call_prop(ctx, obj_idx, 2);  /* [ ... "myAdderMethod" 2 3 ] -> [ ... 5 ] */
printf("2+3=%ld\n", (long) duk_get_int(ctx, -1));

.duk_cbor_decode() 2.5.0 experimental codec cbor §

Prototype §

void duk_cbor_decode(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx, duk_uint_t decode_flags);

Stack §

[ . . . cbor_val . . . ] [ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Decodes a CBOR encoded value (given in any buffer type) as an in-place operation. The resulting value can be any ECMAScript value. No flags are defined at present, so pass in a 0 for flags.

Mapping from CBOR to ECMAScript values is experimental and the decoding result may change over time. For example, custom CBOR tags will be added to improve encode-decode roundtripping of ECMAScript values.

Example §

duk_cbor_decode(ctx, -1, 0);

See also §

.duk_cbor_encode() 2.5.0 experimental codec cbor §

Prototype §

void duk_cbor_encode(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx, duk_uint_t encode_flags);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ] [ . . . cbor_val . . . ]

Summary §

Encodes an arbitrary value into its CBOR representation as an in-place operation. The resulting value is an ArrayBuffer (for now). No flags are defined at present, so pass in a 0 for flags.

Mapping from ECMAScript values to CBOR is experimental and the encoding result may change over time. For example, custom CBOR tags will be added to improve encode-decode roundtripping of ECMAScript values. Also the result type (ArrayBuffer) may change later.

Example §

unsigned char *buf;
duk_size_t len;

duk_push_int(ctx, 42);
duk_put_prop_string(ctx, -2, "meaningOfLife");
duk_cbor_encode(ctx, -1, 0);
buf = duk_require_buffer_data(ctx, -1, &len);
/* CBOR data is in buf[0] ... buf[len - 1]. */

See also §

.duk_char_code_at() 1.0.0 string §

Prototype §

duk_codepoint_t duk_char_code_at(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx, duk_size_t char_offset);

Stack §

[ . . . str . . . ]

Summary §

Get the codepoint of a character at character offset char_offset of a string at idx. If the value at idx is not a string, an error is thrown. If the string cannot be (extended) UTF-8 decoded, the result is U+FFFD (Unicode replacement character). If char_offset is invalid (outside the string) a zero is returned.

Example §

printf("char code at char index 12: %ld\n", (long) duk_char_code_at(ctx, -3, 12));

.duk_check_stack() 1.0.0 stack §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_check_stack(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t extra);

Stack §

(No effect on value stack.)

Summary §

Ensure that the value stack has at least extra reserved (allocated) elements for caller's use, relative to the current stack top. Returns 1 if successful, 0 otherwise. If the call is successful, the caller is guaranteed that extra elements can be pushed to the value stack without a value stack related error (other errors like out-of-memory can still occur). The caller MUST NOT rely on being able to push more than extra values; although this is possible, such elements are reserved for Duktape's internal use.

Upon entry to a Duktape/C function and when outside any call there is an automatic reserve (of DUK_API_ENTRY_STACK elements) allocated for the caller in addition to call arguments on the value stack. If more value stack space is needed, the caller must reserve more space explicitly either in the beginning of the function (e.g. if the number of elements required is known or can be computed based on arguments) or dynamically (e.g. inside a loop). Note that an attempt to push a value beyond the currently allocated value stack causes an error: it does not cause the value stack to be automatically extended. This simplifies the internal implementation.

In addition to user reserved elements, Duktape keeps an automatic internal value stack reserve to ensure all API calls have enough value stack space to work without further allocations. The value stack is also extended in somewhat large steps to minimize memory reallocation activity. As a result the internal number of value stack elements available beyond the caller specified extra varies considerably. The caller does not need to take this into account and should never rely on any additional elements being available.

As a general rule duk_require_stack() should be used instead of this function to reserve more stack space. If value stack cannot be extended, there is almost never a useful recovery strategy except to throw an error and unwind.

Example §

duk_idx_t nargs = duk_get_top(ctx);  /* number or arguments */

/* reserve space for one temporary for each input argument */
if (!duk_check_stack(ctx, nargs)) {
    /* return 'undefined' if cannot allocate space */
    printf("failed to reserve enough stack space\n");
    return 0;

/* ... */

.duk_check_stack_top() 1.0.0 stack §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_check_stack_top(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t top);

Stack §

(No effect on value stack.)

Summary §

Like duk_check_stack(), but ensures there is space up to top for caller's use. This is sometimes more convenient than specifying the number of additional elements (relative to current stack top) to reserve.

The caller specifies the maximum stack top ensured for caller's use, not the highest value stack index reserved for the caller. For instance, if top is 500, the highest value stack index reserved for the caller is 499.

As a general rule duk_require_stack_top() should be used instead of this function to reserve more stack space. If value stack cannot be extended, there is almost never a useful recovery strategy except to throw an error and unwind.

Example §

if (duk_check_stack_top(ctx, 100)) {
    printf("value stack guaranteed up to index 99\n");
} else {
    printf("cannot get value stack space\n");

.duk_check_type() 1.0.0 stack §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_check_type(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx, duk_int_t type);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Matches the type of the value at idx against type. Returns 1 if the type matches, zero otherwise.

Example §

if (duk_check_type(ctx, -3, DUK_TYPE_NUMBER)) {
    printf("value is a number\n");

.duk_check_type_mask() 1.0.0 stack §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_check_type_mask(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx, duk_uint_t mask);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Matches the type of the value at idx against the type mask bits given in mask. Returns 1 if the value type matches one of the type mask bits and zero otherwise.

Example §

if (duk_check_type_mask(ctx, -3, DUK_TYPE_MASK_STRING |
                                 DUK_TYPE_MASK_NUMBER)) {
    printf("value is a string or a number\n");

.duk_compact() 1.0.0 property object memory §

Prototype §

void duk_compact(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t obj_idx);

Stack §

(No effect on value stack.)

Summary §

Resizes an object's internal memory allocation to minimize memory usage. If the value at obj_idx is not an object, does nothing. Although compaction is normally safe, it can fail due to an internal error (such as out-of-memory error). Compaction only affects to an object's "own properties", not its inherited properties.

Compaction is not a final operation and has no impact on object semantics. Adding new properties to the object is still possible (assuming the object is extensible), but causes an object resize. Existing property values can be changed (assuming the properties are writable) without affecting the object's internal memory allocation. An object can be compacted multiple times: for instance, if a new property is added to a previously compacted object, the object can be compacted again to minimize memory footprint after the property addition.

Compacting an object saves a small amount of memory per object. It is generally useful when (1) memory footprint is very important, (2) an object is unlikely to gain new properties, (3) an object is relatively long-lived, and (4) when compaction can be applied to enough many objects to make a significant difference.

If Object.seal(), Object.freeze(), or Object.preventExtensions() is called, an object is automatically compacted.

Example §

duk_push_object(ctx);                           /* [ ... obj ] */
duk_push_int(ctx, 42);                          /* [ ... obj 42 ] */
duk_put_prop_string(ctx, -2, "meaningOfLife");  /* [ ... obj ] */
duk_compact(ctx, -1);                           /* [ ... obj ] */

.duk_compile() 1.0.0 compile §

Prototype §

void duk_compile(duk_context *ctx, duk_uint_t flags);

Stack §

[ . . . source filename ] [ . . . function ]

Summary §

Compile ECMAScript source code and replace it with a compiled function object (the code is not executed). The filename argument is stored as the fileName property of the resulting function, and is the name used in e.g. tracebacks to identify the function. May throw a SyntaxError for any compile-time errors (in addition to the usual internal errors like out-of-memory, internal limit errors, etc).

The following flags may be given:

DUK_COMPILE_EVAL Compile the input as eval code instead of as an ECMAScript program
DUK_COMPILE_FUNCTION Compile the input as a function instead of as an ECMAScript program
DUK_COMPILE_STRICT Force the input to be compiled in strict mode
DUK_COMPILE_SHEBANG Allow non-standard shebang comment (#! ...) on first line of the input

The source code being compiled may be:

  • Global code: compiles into a function with zero arguments, which executes like a top level ECMAScript program (default)
  • Eval code: compiles into a function with zero arguments, which executes like an ECMAScript eval call (flag DUK_COMPILE_EVAL)
  • Function code: compiles into a function with zero or more arguments (flag DUK_COMPILE_FUNCTION)

All of these have slightly different semantics in ECMAScript. See Establishing an Execution Context for a detailed discussion. One major difference is that global and eval contexts have an implicit return value: the last non-empty statement value is an automatic return value for the program or eval code, whereas functions don't have an automatic return value.

Global and eval code don't have an explicit function syntax. For instance, the following can be compiled both as a global and as an eval expression:

print("Hello world!");
123;  // implicit return value

Function code follows the ECMAScript function syntax (the function name is optional):

function adder(x,y) {
    return x+y;

Compiling a function is equivalent to compiling eval code which contains a function expression. Note that the outermost parentheses are required, otherwise the eval code will register a global function named "adder" instead of returning a plain function value:

(function adder(x,y) {
    return x+y;

The bytecode generated for global and eval code is currently slower than that generated for functions: a "slow path" is used for all variable accesses in program and eval code, and the implicit return value handling of program and eval code generates some unnecessary bytecode. From a performance point of view (both memory and execution performance) it is thus preferable to have as much code inside functions as possible.

When compiling eval and global expressions, be careful to avoid the usual ECMAScript gotchas, such as:

/* Function at top level is a function declaration which registers a global
 * function, and is different from a function expression.  Use parentheses
 * around the top level expression.

eval("function adder(x,y) { return x+y; }");   /* registers 'adder' to global */
eval("function (x,y) { return x+y; }");        /* not allowed */
eval("(function (x,y) { return x+y; })");      /* function expression (anonymous) */
eval("(function adder(x,y) { return x+y; })"); /* function expression (named) */

/* Opening curly brace at top level is interpreted as start of a block
 * expression, not an object literal.  Use parentheses around the top
 * level expression.

eval("{ myfunc: 1 }");   /* block with -label- "myfunc" and statement "1" (!) */
eval("({ myfunc: 1 })";  /* object literal { myfunc: 1 } */

Example §

/* Global code.  Note that the hello() function is a function
 * declaration which gets registered into the global object when
 * executed.  Implicit return value is 123.

duk_push_string(ctx, "print('global');\n"
                     "function hello() { print('Hello world!'); }\n"
duk_push_string(ctx, "hello");
duk_compile(ctx, 0);   /* [ source filename ] -> [ func ] */
duk_call(ctx, 0);      /* [ func ] -> [ result ] */
printf("program result: %lf\n", (double) duk_get_number(ctx, -1));

/* Eval code */

duk_push_string(ctx, "2+3");
duk_push_string(ctx, "eval");
duk_compile(ctx, DUK_COMPILE_EVAL);
duk_call(ctx, 0);      /* [ func ] -> [ result ] */
printf("eval result: %lf\n", (double) duk_get_number(ctx, -1));

/* Function code */

duk_push_string(ctx, "function (x,y) { return x+y; }");
duk_push_string(ctx, "function");
duk_compile(ctx, DUK_COMPILE_FUNCTION);
duk_push_int(ctx, 5);
duk_push_int(ctx, 6);
duk_call(ctx, 2);      /* [ func 5 6 ] -> [ result ] */
printf("function result: %lf\n", (double) duk_get_number(ctx, -1));

.duk_compile_lstring() 1.0.0 string compile §

Prototype §

void duk_compile_lstring(duk_context *ctx, duk_uint_t flags, const char *src, duk_size_t len);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . function ]

Summary §

Like duk_compile(), but the compile input is given as a C string with explicit length. The filename associated with the function is "input".

With this variant, the input source code is not interned by Duktape which is useful in low memory environments.

Example §

const char *src = /* ... */;
duk_size_t len = /* ... */;

duk_compile_lstring(ctx, 0, src, len);

.duk_compile_lstring_filename() 1.0.0 string compile §

Prototype §

void duk_compile_lstring_filename(duk_context *ctx, duk_uint_t flags, const char *src, duk_size_t len);

Stack §

[ . . . filename ] [ . . . function ]

Summary §

Like duk_compile(), but the compile input is given as a C string with explicit length.

With this variant, the input source code is not interned by Duktape which is useful in low memory environments.

Example §

const char *src = /* ... */;
duk_size_t len = /* ... */;

duk_push_string(ctx, "myFile.js");
duk_compile_lstring_filename(ctx, 0, src, len);

.duk_compile_string() 1.0.0 string compile §

Prototype §

void duk_compile_string(duk_context *ctx, duk_uint_t flags, const char *src);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . function ]

Summary §

Like duk_compile(), but the compile input is given as a C string. The filename associated with the function is "input".

With this variant, the input source code is not interned by Duktape which is useful in low memory environments.

Example §

duk_compile_string(ctx, 0, "print('program code');");

.duk_compile_string_filename() 1.0.0 string compile §

Prototype §

void duk_compile_string_filename(duk_context *ctx, duk_uint_t flags, const char *src);

Stack §

[ . . . filename ] [ . . . function ]

Summary §

Like duk_compile(), but the compile input is given as a C string.

With this variant, the input source code is not interned by Duktape which is useful in low memory environments.

Example §

duk_push_string(ctx, "myFile.js");
duk_compile_string_filename(ctx, 0, "print('program code');");

.duk_components_to_time() 2.0.0 time §

Prototype §

duk_double_t duk_components_to_time(duk_context *ctx, duk_time_components *comp);

Stack §

(No effect on value stack.)

Summary §

Convert components (year, month, day, etc), interpreted in UTC, into a time value. The comp->weekday argument is ignored in the conversion. If the component values are invalid, an error is thrown.

There are some differences to the ECMAScript Date.UTC() built-in:

  • There's no special handling of two-digit years. For example, Date.UTC(99, 0, 1) gets interpreted as 1999-01-01. If comp->time is 99, it's interpreted as the year 99.
  • The milliseconds component is allowed fractions (sub-millisecond resolution) so that the resulting time value may have fractions.

Like the ECMAScript primitives, the components can exceed their natural range and are normalized. For example, specifying comp->minutes as 120 is interpreted as adding 2 hours to the time value. The components are expressed as IEEE doubles to allow large and negative values to be used.

Example §

duk_time_components comp;
duk_double_t time;

memset((void *) &comp, 0, sizeof(comp));  /* good practice even if fully initialized */
comp.year = 2016;
comp.month = 0;  /* 0-based, 1=January */ = 2;    /* 1-based: second of January */
comp.hours = 3;
comp.minutes = 4;
comp.seconds = 5;
comp.milliseconds = 6.0;  /* allows sub-millisecond resolution */
comp.weekday = 0;  /* ignored */

time = duk_components_to_time(ctx, &comp);
printf("2016-01-02 03:04:05.006Z -> %lf\n", (double) time);

.duk_concat() 1.0.0 string §

Prototype §

void duk_concat(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t count);

Stack §

[ . . . val1 . . . valN ] [ . . . result ]

Summary §

Concatenate zero or more values into a result string. The input values are automatically coerced with ToString().

This primitive minimizes the number of intermediate string interning operations and is better than concatenating strings manually.

Unlike Array.prototype.concat(), this API call does not flatten array arguments or support Symbol.isConcatSpreadable.

Example §

duk_push_string(ctx, "foo");
duk_push_int(ctx, 123);
duk_concat(ctx, 3);

printf("result: %s\n", duk_get_string(ctx, -1));  /* "foo123true" */

See also §

.duk_config_buffer() 1.3.0 stack buffer §

Prototype §

void duk_config_buffer(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx, void *ptr, duk_size_t len);

Stack §

[ . . . buf . . . ] [ . . . buf . . . ]

Summary §

Set the external buffer pointer and length of an external buffer value.

Example §

/* Create an external buffer and point it to my_buffer containing
 * my_length bytes.
duk_config_buffer(ctx, -1, my_buffer, my_length);

.duk_copy() 1.0.0 stack §

Prototype §

void duk_copy(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t from_idx, duk_idx_t to_idx);

Stack §

[ . . . old(to_idx) . . . val(from_idx) . . . ] [ . . . val(to_idx) . . . val(from_idx) . . . ]

Summary §

Copy a value from from_idx to to_idx, overwriting the previous value. If either index is invalid, throws an error.

This is a shorthand for:

/* to_index must be normalized in case it is negative and would change its
 * meaning after duk_dup().
to_idx = duk_normalize_idx(ctx, to_idx);
duk_dup(ctx, from_idx);
duk_replace(ctx, to_idx);

Example §

duk_copy(ctx, -3, 1);

.duk_create_heap() 1.0.0 heap §

Prototype §

duk_context *duk_create_heap(duk_alloc_function alloc_func,
                             duk_realloc_function realloc_func,
                             duk_free_function free_func,
                             void *heap_udata,
                             duk_fatal_function fatal_handler);

Stack §

(No effect on value stack.)

Summary §

Create a new Duktape heap and return an initial context (thread). If heap initialization fails, a NULL is returned. There is currently no way to obtain more detailed error information.

The caller may provide custom memory management functions in alloc_func, realloc_func, and free_func; the pointers must either all be NULL or all be non-NULL. If the pointers are NULL, default memory management functions (ANSI C malloc(), realloc() , and free()) are used. The memory management functions share the same opaque userdata pointer, heap_udata. This userdata pointer is also used for other Duktape features like fatal error handling and low memory pointer compression macros.

A fatal error handler is provided in fatal_handler. This handler is called in unrecoverable error situations such as uncaught errors, out-of-memory errors not resolved by garbage collection, self test errors, etc. A caller SHOULD implement a fatal error handler in most applications. If not given, a default fatal error handler built into Duktape is used instead. The default fatal error handler (unless overridden by duk_config.h) calls abort() with no error message printed to stdout or stderr. See How to handle fatal errors for more detail and examples.

To create a Duktape heap with default settings, use duk_create_heap_default().

New contexts linked to the same heap can be created with duk_push_thread() and duk_push_thread_new_globalenv().

Example §

 *  Simple case: use default allocation functions and fatal error handler

duk_context *ctx = duk_create_heap(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (ctx) {
    /* success */
} else {
    /* error */

 *  Customized handlers

duk_context *ctx = duk_create_heap(my_alloc, my_realloc, my_free,
                                   (void *) 0xdeadbeef, my_fatal);
if (ctx) {
    /* success */

    /* ... after heap is no longer needed: */
} else {
    /* error */

.duk_create_heap_default() 1.0.0 heap §

Prototype §

duk_context *duk_create_heap_default(void);

Stack §

(No effect on value stack.)

Summary §

Create a new Duktape heap and return an initial context (thread). If heap initialization fails, a NULL is returned. There is currently no way to obtain more detailed error information.

The created heap will use default memory management and fatal error handler functions. This API call is equivalent to:

ctx = duk_create_heap(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

Example §

duk_context *ctx = duk_create_heap_default();
if (ctx) {
    /* success */

    /* ... after heap is no longer needed: */
} else {
    /* error */

.duk_debugger_attach() 1.2.0 debugger §

Prototype §

void duk_debugger_attach(duk_context *ctx,
                         duk_debug_read_function read_cb,
                         duk_debug_write_function write_cb,
                         duk_debug_peek_function peek_cb,
                         duk_debug_read_flush_function read_flush_cb,
                         duk_debug_write_flush_function write_flush_cb,
                         duk_debug_request_function request_cb,
                         duk_debug_detached_function detached_cb,
                         void *udata);

Stack §

(No effect on value stack.)

Summary §

Attach a debugger to the Duktape heap. The debugger will automatically enter paused state when the attach is complete. If debugger support is not compiled into Duktape, throws an error. See debugger.rst for more information on debugger integration. The callbacks are as follows, optional callbacks may be NULL:

read_cbYesDebug transport read callback
write_cbYesDebug transport write callback
peek_cbNoDebug transport peek callback, strongly recommended but optional
read_flush_cbNoDebug transport read flush callback
write_flush_cbNoDebug transport write flush callback
request_cbNoApplication specific command (AppRequest) callback, NULL indicates no AppRequest support
detached_cbNoDebugger detached callback

Important: The callbacks are not allowed to call any Duktape API functions (doing so may cause memory unsafe behavior) except for the following:

  • The request_cb AppRequest callback may use the value stack within the guidelines described in debugger.rst.
  • Since Duktape 1.4.0 the debugger detached callback is allowed to call duk_debugger_attach() to immediately reattach the debugger. Before Duktape 1.4.0 the immediate reattach potentially caused some issues.
The duk_debugger_attach_custom() and duk_debugger_attach() API calls were merged in Duktape 2.x.

Example §


.duk_debugger_cooperate() 1.2.0 debugger §

Prototype §

void duk_debugger_cooperate(duk_context *ctx);

Stack §

(No effect on value stack.)

Summary §

Check for and execute inbound debug commands without blocking. Debug commands are executed in the context of the ctx argument. May only be called when no calls into Duktape are in progress (from any context). See debugger.rst for more information.

Example §


.duk_debugger_detach() 1.2.0 debugger §

Prototype §

void duk_debugger_detach(duk_context *ctx);

Stack §

(No effect on value stack.)

Summary §

Detach a debugger from the Duktape heap. If debugger support is not compiled into Duktape, throws an error. See debugger.rst for more information.

Example §


.duk_debugger_notify() 1.5.0 debugger §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_debugger_notify(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t nvalues);

Stack §

[ . . . val1 . . . valN ] [ . . . ]

Summary §

Send an application specific debugger notify (AppNotify) containing the nvalues values on the value stack top mapped to debug protocol dvalues. The return value indicates whether the notify was successfully sent (non-zero) or not (zero). The nvalues arguments are always popped off the stack top. The call is a no-op if debugger support has not been compiled in, or if the debugger is not attached; in both cases the call will return zero to indicate that the notify was not sent.

See the debugger documentation for more information and examples on how to use application specific notifications.

Example §

/* Causes the following notify to be sent over the debugger protocol:
 *   NFY AppNotify "BatteryStatus" 740 1000 true EOM
int battery_current = 740;
int battery_limit = 1000;
int battery_charging = 1;

duk_push_string(ctx, "BatteryStatus");
duk_push_int(ctx, battery_current);
duk_push_int(ctx, battery_limit);
duk_push_boolean(ctx, battery_charging);
if (duk_debugger_notify(ctx, 4 /*nvalues*/)) {
    printf("battery status notification sent\n");
} else {
    printf("battery status notification not sent\n");

.duk_debugger_pause() 1.5.0 debugger §

Prototype §

void duk_debugger_pause(duk_context *ctx);

Stack §

(No effect on value stack.)

Summary §

Request a debugger pause as soon as possible and return without blocking. The pause will be triggered the next time ECMAScript bytecode is executed, which is usually almost immediate. However, if a native call such as a Duktape/C function is in progress or no ECMAScript code is currently executing, it may take longer for the pause to take effect.

The call is a no-op if (1) debugger support has not been compiled in, (2) the debugger is not attached, or (3) Duktape is already paused. This mimics the semantics of the ECMAScript debugger statement.

Like all Duktape API calls, this call is not thread safe. It may be tempting to trigger a pause from a thread different than one running ECMAScript code for the context, but this is unsafe and not currently supported.

Example §

/* In your event loop: */
if (key_pressed == KEY_F12) {

.duk_decode_string() 1.0.0 string §

Prototype §

void duk_decode_string(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx, duk_decode_char_function callback, void *udata);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Process string at idx, calling callback for each codepoint of the string. The callback is given the udata argument and a codepoint. The input string is not modified. If the value is not a string or the index is invalid, throws an error.

Example §

static void decode_char(void *udata, duk_codepoint_t codepoint) {
    printf("codepoint: %ld\n", (long) codepoint);

duk_push_string(ctx, "test_string");
duk_decode_string(ctx, -1, decode_char, NULL);

See also §

.duk_def_prop() 1.1.0 sandbox property §

Prototype §

void duk_def_prop(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t obj_idx, duk_uint_t flags);

Stack §

[ . . . obj . . . key ] [ . . . obj . . . ] (if have no value, setter, getter)
[ . . . obj . . . key value ] [ . . . obj . . . ] (if have value)
[ . . . obj . . . key getter ] [ . . . obj . . . ] (if have getter, but no setter)
[ . . . obj . . . key setter ] [ . . . obj . . . ] (if have setter, but no getter)
[ . . . obj . . . key getter setter ] [ . . . obj . . . ] (if have both getter and setter)

Summary §

Create or alter the attributes of property key of object at obj_idx, with semantics like Object.defineProperty(). When the requested change is not allowed (e.g. property is not configurable), a TypeError is thrown. If the target is not an object (or the index is invalid) an error is thrown.

The flags field provides "have" flags to indicate what property attributes are changed, which models the partial property descriptors allowed by Object.defineProperty(). Values for the writable, configurable, and enumerable attributes are given in the flags field, while property value, getter, and setter are given as value stack arguments. When creating a new property, missing attribute values cause ECMAScript defaults to be used (false for all boolean attributes, undefined for value, getter, setter); when modifying an existing property missing attribute values mean that existing attribute values are not touched.

As a concrete example:

// Set value, set writable, clear enumerable, leave configurable untouched.
Object.defineProperty(obj, { value: 123, writable: true, enumerable: false });

Would map to:

duk_push_uint(ctx, 123);  /* value is taken from stack */
duk_def_prop(ctx, obj_idx,
             DUK_DEFPROP_HAVE_VALUE |  /* <=> value: 123 */
             DUK_DEFPROP_HAVE_WRITABLE | DUK_DEFPROP_WRITABLE |  /* <=> writable: true */
             DUK_DEFPROP_HAVE_ENUMERABLE);  /* <=> enumerable: false */

With the DUK_DEFPROP_FORCE flag property changes can be forced even when an operation would normally fail due to a non-extensible target object or a non-configurable property. This cannot be done from ECMAScript code with Object.defineProperty() and is useful for e.g. sandboxing setup. In some cases even a forced change is not possible and will cause an error to be thrown. For instance, properties implemented internally as virtual properties may not be modifiable (such as string .length and index properties) or may have limitations (such as array .length property which cannot be made configurable or enumerable due to internal limitations).

The following base flags are defined:

Define Description
DUK_DEFPROP_WRITABLE Set writable attribute, effective only if DUK_DEFPROP_HAVE_WRITABLE is set.
DUK_DEFPROP_ENUMERABLE Set enumerable attribute, effective only if DUK_DEFPROP_HAVE_ENUMERABLE is set.
DUK_DEFPROP_CONFIGURABLE Set configurable attribute, effective only if DUK_DEFPROP_HAVE_CONFIGURABLE is set.
DUK_DEFPROP_HAVE_WRITABLE Set or clear writable attribute (no change if unset).
DUK_DEFPROP_HAVE_ENUMERABLE Set or clear enumerable attribute (no change if unset).
DUK_DEFPROP_HAVE_CONFIGURABLE Set or clear configurable attribute (no change if unset).
DUK_DEFPROP_HAVE_VALUE Set value attribute, value is given on value stack.
DUK_DEFPROP_HAVE_GETTER Set getter attribute, value is given on value stack.
DUK_DEFPROP_HAVE_SETTER Set setter attribute, value is given on value stack.
DUK_DEFPROP_FORCE Force attribute change if possible, even if property is non-configurable.

There are a also convenience defines mapping to common flag combinations. For example, DUK_DEFPROP_SET_WRITABLE is equivalent to DUK_DEFPROP_HAVE_WRITABLE and DUK_DEFPROP_WRITABLE. Currently the following are defined:

Define Description
DUK_DEFPROP_{SET,CLEAR}_WRITABLE Set or clear the 'writable' attribute.
DUK_DEFPROP_{SET,CLEAR}_ENUMERABLE Set or clear the 'enumerable' attribute.
DUK_DEFPROP_{SET,CLEAR}_CONFIGURABLE Set or clear the 'configurable' attribute.
DUK_DEFPROP_SET_{W,E,C,WE,WC,EC,WEC} Set one or more attributes, don't touch other attributes.
DUK_DEFPROP_CLEAR_{W,E,C,WE,WC,EC,WEC} Clear one or more attributes, don't touch other attributes.
DUK_DEFPROP_ATTR_{W,E,C,WE,WC,EC,WEC} Set or clear writable, enumerable, and configurable attributes. For example, DUK_DEFPROP_ATTR_WC sets writable and configurable, and clears enumerable.
DUK_DEFPROP_HAVE_{W,E,C,WE,WC,EC,WEC} Indicate one or more attributes are set/cleared, e.g. DUK_DEFPROP_HAVE_WC is equivalent to DUK_DEFPROP_HAVE_WRITABLE | DUK_DEFPROP_HAVE_CONFIGURABLE.
DUK_DEFPROP_{W,E,C,WE,WC,EC,WEC} Provide attribute values (effective if matching "have" flag is set), e.g. DUK_DEFPROP_WE is equivalent to DUK_DEFPROP_WRITABLE | DUK_DEFPROP_ENUMERABLE.

Some examples (see more examples below):

  • To set value, set writable, clear enumerable, and set configurable, push the value onto the value stack and set flags to:
  • To clear the writable attribute (leaving other attributes untouched), set flags to:
    • Base flags: DUK_DEFPROP_HAVE_WRITABLE; or
    • Convenience: DUK_DEFPROP_CLEAR_WRITABLE; or
    • Convenience: DUK_DEFPROP_CLEAR_W.
  • To set value, clear writable, and set enumerable (leaving other attributes untouched), push the value onto the value stack and set flags to:

This API call is useful for various things:

  • To create properties with non-default attributes directly from C code.
  • To create accessor (getter/setter) properties directly from C code.
  • To modify the property attributes of existing properties directly from C code.

See API testcase test-def-prop.c for more examples.

If the target is a Proxy object which implements the defineProperty trap, the trap should be invoked. However, Duktape doesn't currently support the defineProperty trap, and the defineProperty() operation isn't currently forwarded to the target. When support is added, this API call will start invoking the trap or forwarding the operation to the target object.

Example §

duk_idx_t obj_idx = /* ... */;

/* Create an ordinary property which is writable and configurable, but
 * not enumerable.  Equivalent to:
 *   Object.defineProperty(obj, 'my_prop_1', {
 *      value: 123, writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true
 *   });

duk_push_string(ctx, "my_prop_1");
duk_push_int(ctx, 123);  /* prop value */

/* The same but more readable using convenience flags. */

duk_push_string(ctx, "my_prop_1");
duk_push_int(ctx, 123);  /* prop value */
duk_def_prop(ctx, obj_idx, DUK_DEFPROP_HAVE_VALUE | DUK_DEFPROP_ATTR_WC);

/* Change the property value and make it non-writable.  Don't touch other
 * attributes.  Equivalent to:
 *   Object.defineProperty(obj, 'my_prop_1', {
 *      value: 321, writable: false
 *   });

duk_push_string(ctx, "my_prop_1");
duk_push_int(ctx, 321);
             DUK_DEFPROP_HAVE_WRITABLE | 0);

/* The same but more readable using convenience flags. */

duk_push_string(ctx, "my_prop_1");
duk_push_int(ctx, 321);

/* Make the property non-configurable, don't touch value or other attributes.
 * Equivalent to:
 *   Object.defineProperty(obj, 'my_prop_1', {
 *      configurable: false
 *   });

duk_push_string(ctx, "my_prop_1");

/* The same but more readable using convenience flags. */

duk_push_string(ctx, "my_prop_1");
duk_def_prop(ctx, obj_idx, DUK_DEFPROP_CLEAR_CONFIGURABLE);

/* Create an accessor property which is non-configurable and non-enumerable.
 * Attribute flags are not given so they default to ECMAScript defaults
 * (false) automatically.  Equivalent to:
 *   object.defineproperty(obj, 'my_accessor_1', {
 *      get: my_getter, set: my_setter
 *   });

duk_push_string(ctx, "my_accessor_1");
duk_push_c_function(ctx, my_getter, 0 /*nargs*/);
duk_push_c_function(ctx, my_setter, 1 /*nargs*/);

/* Create an accessor property which is non-configurable but enumerable.
 * Attribute flags are given explicitly which is easier to read without
 * knowing about ECMAScript attribute default values.  Equivalent to:
 *   Object.defineProperty(obj, 'my_accessor_2', {
 *      get: my_getter, set: my_setter, enumerable: true, configurable: false
 *   });

duk_push_string(ctx, "my_accessor_2");
duk_push_c_function(ctx, my_getter, 0 /*nargs*/);
duk_push_c_function(ctx, my_setter, 1 /*nargs*/);
             DUK_DEFPROP_HAVE_CONFIGURABLE |  /* clear */

/* The same but more readable with convenience flags. */

duk_push_string(ctx, "my_accessor_2");
duk_push_c_function(ctx, my_getter, 0 /*nargs*/);
duk_push_c_function(ctx, my_setter, 1 /*nargs*/);

/* Change the value of a non-configurable property by force.
 * No ECMAScript equivalent.

duk_push_string(ctx, "my_nonconfigurable_prop");
duk_push_value(ctx, 321);

.duk_del_prop() 1.0.0 property §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_del_prop(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t obj_idx);

Stack §

[ . . . obj . . . key ] [ . . . obj . . . ]

Summary §

Delete the property key of a value at obj_idx. key is removed from the stack. Return code and error throwing behavior:

  • If property exists and is configurable (deletable), deletes the property and returns 1.
  • If property exists but is not configurable, throws an error (strict mode semantics).
  • If property does not exist, returns 1 (not 0).
  • If the value at obj_idx is not object coercible, throws an error.
  • If obj_idx is invalid, throws an error.

The property deletion is equivalent to the ECMAScript expression res = delete obj[key]. For precise semantics, see Property Accessors, The delete operator and [[Delete]] (P, Throw). The return value and error throwing behavior mirrors the ECMAScript delete operator behavior. Both the target value and the key are coerced:

  • The target value is automatically coerced to an object. However, this object is a temporary one, so deleting its properties is not very useful.
  • The key argument is internally coerced using ToPropertyKey() coercion which results in a string or a Symbol. There is an internal fast path for arrays and numeric indices which avoids an explicit string coercion, so use a numeric key when applicable.

If the target is a Proxy object which implements the deleteProperty trap, the trap is invoked and the API call return value matches the trap return value.

This API call returns 1 when the target property does not exist. This is not very intuitive, but follows ECMAScript semantics: delete obj.nonexistent also evaluates to true.

If the key is a fixed string you can avoid one API call and use the duk_del_prop_string() variant. Similarly, if the key is an array index, you can use the duk_del_prop_index() variant.

Although the base value for property accesses is usually an object, it can technically be an arbitrary value. Plain string and buffer values have virtual index properties so you can access "foo"[2], for instance. Most primitive values also inherit from some prototype object so that you can e.g. call methods on them: (12345).toString(16).

Example §

duk_bool_t rc;

duk_push_string(ctx, "myProperty");
rc = duk_del_prop(ctx, -3);
printf("delete obj.myProperty -> rc=%d\n", (int) rc);

.duk_del_prop_heapptr() 2.2.0 property heapptr borrowed §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_del_prop_heapptr(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t obj_idx, void *ptr);

Stack §

[ . . . obj . . . ] [ . . . obj . . . ]

Summary §

Like duk_del_prop(), but the property name is given as a Duktape heap pointer obtained e.g. using duk_get_heapptr(). If ptr is NULL, undefined is used as the key.

Example §

duk_bool_t rc;
void *ptr;

duk_push_string(ctx, "propertyName");
ptr = duk_get_heapptr(ctx, -1);
/* String behind 'ptr' must remain reachable! */

rc = duk_del_prop_heapptr(ctx, -3, ptr);
printf("delete obj.propertyName -> rc=%d\n", (int) rc);

.duk_del_prop_index() 1.0.0 property §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_del_prop_index(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t obj_idx, duk_uarridx_t arr_idx);

Stack §

[ . . . obj . . . ] [ . . . obj . . . ]

Summary §

Like duk_del_prop(), but the property name is given as an unsigned integer arr_idx. This is especially useful for deleting array elements (but is not limited to that).

Conceptually the number is coerced to a string for the property deletion, e.g. 123 would be equivalent to a property name "123". Duktape avoids an explicit coercion whenever possible.

Example §

duk_bool_t rc;

rc = duk_del_prop_index(ctx, -3, 123);
printf("delete obj[123] -> rc=%d\n", (int) rc);

.duk_del_prop_literal() 2.3.0 property literal §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_del_prop_literal(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t obj_idx, const char *key_literal);

Stack §

[ . . . obj . . . ] [ . . . obj . . . ]

Summary §

Like duk_del_prop(), but the property name is given as a string literal (see duk_push_literal()).

Example §

duk_bool_t rc;

rc = duk_del_prop_literal(ctx, -3, "myPropertyKey");
printf("delete obj.myPropertyKey -> rc=%d\n", (int) rc);

.duk_del_prop_lstring() 2.0.0 string property §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_del_prop_lstring(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t obj_idx, const char *key, duk_size_t key_len);

Stack §

[ . . . obj . . . ] [ . . . obj . . . ]

Summary §

Like duk_del_prop(), but the property name is given as a string with explicit length.

Example §

duk_bool_t rc;

rc = duk_del_prop_lstring(ctx, -3, "internal" "\x00" "nul", 12);
printf("delete obj.internal[00]nul -> rc=%d\n", (int) rc);

.duk_del_prop_string() 1.0.0 string property §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_del_prop_string(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t obj_idx, const char *key);

Stack §

[ . . . obj . . . ] [ . . . obj . . . ]

Summary §

Like duk_del_prop(), but the property name is given as a NUL-terminated C string key.

Example §

duk_bool_t rc;

rc = duk_del_prop_string(ctx, -3, "propertyName");
printf("delete obj.propertyName -> rc=%d\n", (int) rc);

.duk_destroy_heap() 1.0.0 heap §

Prototype §

void duk_destroy_heap(duk_context *ctx);

Stack §

(No effect on value stack.)

Summary §

Destroy a Duktape heap. The argument context can be any context linked to the heap. All resources related to the heap are freed and must not be referenced after the call completes. These resources include all contexts linked to the heap, and also all string and buffer pointers within the heap.

If ctx is NULL, the call is a no-op.

Example §


.duk_dump_function() 1.3.0 stack bytecode §

Prototype §

void duk_dump_function(duk_context *ctx);

Stack §

[ . . . function ] [ . . . bytecode ]

Summary §

Dump an ECMAScript function at stack top into bytecode, replacing the function with a buffer containing the bytecode data. The bytecode can be loaded back using duk_load_function().

For more information on Duktape bytecode dump/load, supported features, and known limitations, see bytecode.rst. Duktape bytecode format is not intended for obfuscation, see notes on Obfuscation.

Example §

duk_eval_string(ctx, "(function helloWorld() { print('hello world'); })");
/* stack top now contains a buffer containing helloWorld bytecode */

.duk_dup() 1.0.0 stack §

Prototype §

void duk_dup(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t from_idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ] [ . . . val . . . val ]

Summary §

Push a duplicate of value at from_idx to the stack. If from_idx is invalid, throws an error.

Example §

duk_push_int(ctx, 123);  /* -> [ ... 123 ] */
duk_push_int(ctx, 234);  /* -> [ ... 123 234 ] */
duk_dup(ctx, -2);        /* -> [ ... 123 234 123 ] */

See also §

.duk_dup_top() 1.0.0 stack §

Prototype §

void duk_dup_top(duk_context *ctx);

Stack §

[ . . . val ] [ . . . val val ]

Summary §

Push a duplicate of the value at stack top to the stack. If the value stack is empty, throws an error.

Equivalent to calling duk_dup(ctx, -1).

Example §

duk_push_int(ctx, 123);  /* -> [ ... 123 ] */
duk_push_int(ctx, 234);  /* -> [ ... 123 234 ] */
duk_dup_top(ctx);        /* -> [ ... 123 234 234 ] */

.duk_enum() 1.0.0 property object §

Prototype §

void duk_enum(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t obj_idx, duk_uint_t enum_flags);

Stack §

[ . . . obj . . . ] [ . . . obj . . . enum ]

Summary §

Create an enumerator for object at obj_idx. Enumeration details can be controlled with enum_flags. If the target value is not an object, throws an error.

Enumeration flags:

DUK_ENUM_INCLUDE_NONENUMERABLE Enumerate also non-enumerable properties, by default only enumerable properties are enumerated.
DUK_ENUM_INCLUDE_HIDDEN Enumerate also hidden Symbols, by default hidden Symbols are not enumerated. Use together with DUK_ENUM_INCLUDE_SYMBOLS. In Duktape 1.x this flag was called DUK_ENUM_INCLUDE_INTERNAL.
DUK_ENUM_INCLUDE_SYMBOLS Include Symbols in the enumeration result. Hidden Symbols are not included unless DUK_ENUM_INCLUDE_HIDDEN is specified.
DUK_ENUM_EXCLUDE_STRINGS Exclude strings from the enumeration result. By default strings are included.
DUK_ENUM_OWN_PROPERTIES_ONLY Enumerate only an object's "own" properties, by default also inherited properties are enumerated.
DUK_ENUM_ARRAY_INDICES_ONLY Enumerate only array indices, i.e. property names of the form "0", "1", "2", etc.
DUK_ENUM_SORT_ARRAY_INDICES Apply the ES2015 [[OwnPropertyKeys]] enumeration order over the whole enumeration result rather than per inheritance level, this has the effect of sorting array indices (even when inherited). Also symbols are sorted after ordinary string keys (both in insertion order).
DUK_ENUM_NO_PROXY_BEHAVIOR Enumerate a Proxy object itself without invoking Proxy behaviors.

Without any flags the enumeration behaves like for-in: own and inherited enumerable properties are included, and enumeration order follows the ECMAScript ES2015 [[OwnPropertyKeys]] enumeration order, applied for each inheritance level.

Once the enumerator has been created, use duk_next() to extract keys (or key/value pairs) from the enumerator.

The ES2015 [[OwnPropertyKeys]] enumeration order is: (1) array indices in ascending order, (2) non-array-index keys in their insertion order, and (3) symbols in their insertion order. This rule is applied separately for each inheritance level, so that if array index keys are inherited, they will appear out-of-order in the result. For most practical code this is not an issue because array indices are very rarely inherited. You can force the whole enumeration sequence to be sorted using DUK_ENUM_SORT_ARRAY_INDICES.

Example §


while (duk_next(ctx, -1 /*enum_idx*/, 0 /*get_value*/)) {
    /* [ ... enum key ] */
    printf("-> key %s\n", duk_get_string(ctx, -1));
    duk_pop(ctx);  /* pop_key */

duk_pop(ctx);  /* pop enum object */

See also §

.duk_equals() 1.0.0 compare §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_equals(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx1, duk_idx_t idx2);

Stack §

[ . . . val1 . . . val2 . . . ]

Summary §

Compare values at idx1 and idx2 for equality. Returns 1 if values are considered equal using ECMAScript Equals operator (==) semantics, otherwise returns 0. Also returns 0 if either index is invalid.

Because The Abstract Equality Comparison Algorithm used by the Equals operator performs value coercion (ToNumber() and ToPrimitive()), the comparison may have side effects and may throw an error. The strict equality comparison, available through duk_strict_equals(), has no side effects.

Comparison algorithm for Duktape custom types is described in Equality (non-strict).

Example §

if (duk_equals(ctx, -3, -7)) {
    printf("values at indices -3 and -7 are equal\n");

.duk_error() 1.0.0 error §

Prototype §

duk_ret_t duk_error(duk_context *ctx, duk_errcode_t err_code, const char *fmt, ...);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . err ]

Summary §

Push a new Error object to the stack and throw it. This call never returns.

The message property of the error object will be set to a sprintf-formatted string using fmt and the remaining arguments. The internal prototype for the created error object is chosen based on err_code. For instance, DUK_ERR_RANGE_ERROR causes the built-in RangeError prototype to be used. The valid range for user error codes is [1,16777215].

To push an Error object to the stack without throwing it, use duk_push_error_object().

Even though the function never returns, the prototype describes a return value which allows code such as:

if (argvalue < 0) {
    return duk_error(ctx, DUK_ERR_TYPE_ERROR, "invalid argument value: %d", (int) argvalue);

If the return value is ignored, cast to void to avoid compilation warnings:

if (argvalue < 0) {
    (void) duk_error(ctx, DUK_ERR_TYPE_ERROR, "invalid argument value: %d", (int) argvalue);

Example §

(void) duk_error(ctx, DUK_ERR_RANGE_ERROR, "argument out of range: %d", (int) argval);

.duk_error_va() 1.1.0 vararg error §

Prototype §

duk_ret_t duk_error_va(duk_context *ctx, duk_errcode_t err_code, const char *fmt, va_list ap);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . err ]

Summary §

Vararg variant of duk_error().

This API call is not fully portable because the va_end() macro in the calling code may never be reached (e.g. due to an error throw). Some implementations rely on va_end() to e.g. free memory allocated by va_start(); see However, such implementations are rare so this isn't usually a practical concern.

Example §

void my_range_error(duk_context *ctx, const char *fmt, ...) {
    va_list ap;

    va_start(ap, fmt);
    duk_error_va(ctx, DUK_ERR_RANGE_ERROR, fmt, ap);

.duk_eval() 1.0.0 compile §

Prototype §

void duk_eval(duk_context *ctx);

Stack §

[ . . . source ] [ . . . result ]

Summary §

Evaluate the ECMAScript source code at the top of the stack, and leave a single return value on top of the stack. May throw an error; such errors are not automatically caught. The filename associated with the temporary eval function is "eval".

This API call is essentially a shortcut for:

duk_push_string(ctx, "eval");
duk_compile(ctx, DUK_COMPILE_EVAL);  /* [ ... source filename ] -> [ function ] */
duk_call(ctx, 0);

The source code is evaluated in non-strict mode unless it contains an explicit "use strict" directive. In particular, strictness of the current context is not transferred into the eval code. This avoids confusing behavior where eval strictness would depend on whether eval is used inside a Duktape/C function call (strict mode) or outside of one (non-strict mode).

If the eval input is a fixed string, you can also use duk_eval_string().

Example §

/* Eval result in ECMAScript is the last non-empty statement; here, the
 * result of the eval is the number 123.

duk_push_string(ctx, "print('Hello world!'); 123;");
printf("return value is: %lf\n", (double) duk_get_number(ctx, -1));

.duk_eval_error() 2.0.0 error §

Prototype §

duk_ret_t duk_eval_error(duk_context *ctx, const char *fmt, ...);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . err ]

Summary §

Convenience API call, equivalent to duk_error() with an error code DUK_ERR_EVAL_ERROR.

Example §

return duk_eval_error(ctx, "my error: %d", (int) argval);

See also §

.duk_eval_error_va() 2.0.0 vararg error §

Prototype §

duk_ret_t duk_eval_error_va(duk_context *ctx, const char *fmt, va_list ap);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . err ]

Summary §

Convenience API call, equivalent to duk_error_va() with an error code DUK_ERR_EVAL_ERROR.

This API call is not fully portable because the va_end() macro in the calling code may never be reached (e.g. due to an error throw). Some implementations rely on va_end() to e.g. free memory allocated by va_start(); see However, such implementations are rare so this isn't usually a practical concern.

Example §

void my_eval_error(duk_context *ctx, const char *fmt, ...) {
    va_list ap;

    va_start(ap, fmt);
    duk_eval_error_va(ctx, fmt, ap);

See also §

.duk_eval_lstring() 1.0.0 string compile §

Prototype §

void duk_eval_lstring(duk_context *ctx, const char *src, duk_size_t len);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . result ]

Summary §

Like duk_eval(), but the eval input is given as a C string with explicit length.

With this variant, the input source code is not interned by Duktape which is useful in low memory environments.

Example §

const char *src = /* ... */;
duk_size_t len = /* ... */;

duk_eval_lstring(ctx, src, len);
printf("result is: %s\n", duk_get_string(ctx, -1));

.duk_eval_lstring_noresult() 1.0.0 string compile §

Prototype §

void duk_eval_lstring_noresult(duk_context *ctx, const char *src, duk_size_t len);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . ]

Summary §

Like duk_eval_lstring(), but leaves no result on the value stack.

With this variant, the input source code is not interned by Duktape which is useful in low memory environments.

Example §

const char *src = /* ... */;
duk_size_t len = /* ... */;

duk_eval_lstring_noresult(ctx, src, len);

.duk_eval_noresult() 1.0.0 compile §

Prototype §

void duk_eval_noresult(duk_context *ctx);

Stack §

[ . . . source ] [ . . . ]

Summary §

Like duk_eval(), but leaves no result on the value stack.

Example §

duk_push_string(ctx, "print('Hello world!');");

.duk_eval_string() 1.0.0 string compile §

Prototype §

void duk_eval_string(duk_context *ctx, const char *src);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . result ]

Summary §

Like duk_eval(), but the eval input is given as a C string.

With this variant, the input source code is not interned by Duktape which is useful in low memory environments.

Example §

duk_eval_string(ctx, "'testString'.toUpperCase()");
printf("result is: %s\n", duk_get_string(ctx, -1));

.duk_eval_string_noresult() 1.0.0 string compile §

Prototype §

void duk_eval_string_noresult(duk_context *ctx, const char *src);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . ]

Summary §

Like duk_eval_string(), but leaves no result on the value stack.

With this variant, the input source code is not interned by Duktape which is useful in low memory environments.

Example §

duk_eval_string_noresult(ctx, "print('testString'.toUpperCase())");

.duk_fatal() 1.0.0 error §

Prototype §

duk_ret_t duk_fatal(duk_context *ctx, const char *err_msg);

Stack §

(No effect on value stack.)

Summary §

Call fatal error handler with an optional message (err_msg may be NULL). Like all strings in Duktape, the error message should be an UTF-8 string, although pure ASCII is strongly recommended.

A fatal error handler never returns and may e.g. exit the current process. Error catching points (like try-catch statements and error catching API calls) are bypassed, and finalizers are not executed. You should only call this function when a truly fatal, unrecoverable error has occurred.

Even though the function never returns, the prototype describes a return value which allows code such as:

if (argvalue < 0) {
    return duk_fatal(ctx, "argvalue invalid, cannot continue execution");

Example §

duk_fatal(ctx, "assumption failed");

.duk_free() 1.0.0 memory §

Prototype §

void duk_free(duk_context *ctx, void *ptr);

Stack §

(No effect on value stack.)

Summary §

Like duk_free_raw() but may involve garbage collection steps. The garbage collection interaction cannot cause the operation to fail.

duk_free() can be used to free memory allocated with either duk_alloc() or duk_alloc_raw() and their reallocation variants.

Currently a duk_free() never causes a garbage collection pass.

Example §

void *buf = duk_alloc(ctx, 1024);
/* ... */

duk_free(ctx, buf);  /* safe even if 'buf' is NULL */

See also §

.duk_free_raw() 1.0.0 memory §

Prototype §

void duk_free_raw(duk_context *ctx, void *ptr);

Stack §

(No effect on value stack.)

Summary §

Free memory allocated with the allocation function registered to the context. The operation cannot fail. If ptr is NULL, the call is a no-op.

duk_free_raw() can be used to free memory allocated with either duk_alloc() or duk_alloc_raw() and their reallocation variants.

Example §

void *buf = duk_alloc_raw(ctx, 1024);
/* ... */

duk_free_raw(ctx, buf);  /* safe even if 'buf' is NULL */

See also §

.duk_freeze() 2.2.0 property object §

Prototype §

void duk_freeze(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t obj_idx);

Stack §

(No effect on value stack.)

Summary §

Equivalent to Object.freeze() for object at obj_idx; if frozen, the object is automatically compacted. If the index is invalid an error is thrown.

Example §

duk_freeze(ctx, -3);

.duk_gc() 1.0.0 memory heap §

Prototype §

void duk_gc(duk_context *ctx, duk_uint_t flags);

Stack §

(No effect on value stack.)

Summary §

Force a mark-and-sweep garbage collection round.

The following flags are defined:

DUK_GC_COMPACTForce object property table compaction

You may want to call this function twice to ensure even objects with finalizers are collected. Currently it takes two mark-and-sweep rounds to collect such objects. First round marks the object as finalizable and runs the finalizer. Second round ensures the object is still unreachable after finalization and then frees the object.

Example §

duk_gc(ctx, 0);

.duk_generic_error() 2.0.0 error §

Prototype §

duk_ret_t duk_generic_error(duk_context *ctx, const char *fmt, ...);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . err ]

Summary §

Convenience API call, equivalent to duk_error() with an error code DUK_ERR_ERROR.

Example §

return duk_generic_error(ctx, "my error: %d", (int) argval);

See also §

.duk_generic_error_va() 2.0.0 vararg error §

Prototype §

duk_ret_t duk_generic_error_va(duk_context *ctx, const char *fmt, va_list ap);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . err ]

Summary §

Convenience API call, equivalent to duk_error_va() with an error code DUK_ERR_ERROR.

This API call is not fully portable because the va_end() macro in the calling code may never be reached (e.g. due to an error throw). Some implementations rely on va_end() to e.g. free memory allocated by va_start(); see However, such implementations are rare so this isn't usually a practical concern.

Example §

void my_generic_error(duk_context *ctx, const char *fmt, ...) {
    va_list ap;

    va_start(ap, fmt);
    duk_generic_error_va(ctx, fmt, ap);

See also §

.duk_get_boolean() 1.0.0 stack §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_get_boolean(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Get the boolean value at idx without modifying or coercing the value. Returns 1 if the value is true, 0 if the value is false, not a boolean, or the index is invalid.

Note that the value is not coerced, so even a "truthy" ECMAScript value (like a non-empty string) will be treated as false. If you want to coerce the value, use duk_to_boolean().

Example §

if (duk_get_boolean(ctx, -3)) {
    printf("value is true\n");

.duk_get_boolean_default() 2.1.0 stack §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_get_boolean_default(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx, duk_bool_t def_value);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Like duk_get_boolean() but with an explicit default value, returned when the value is not a boolean or the index is invalid.

Example §

duk_bool_t flag_xyz = duk_get_boolean_default(ctx, 2, 1);  /* default: true */

See also §

.duk_get_buffer() 1.0.0 stack buffer §

Prototype §

void *duk_get_buffer(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx, duk_size_t *out_size);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Get the data pointer for a (plain) buffer value at idx without modifying or coercing the value. Returns a non-NULL pointer if the value is a valid buffer with a non-zero size. For a zero-size buffer, may return a NULL or a non-NULL pointer. Returns NULL if the value is not a buffer or the index is invalid. If out_size is non-NULL, the size of the buffer is written to *out_size; 0 is written if the return value is NULL.

If the target value is a fixed buffer, the returned pointer is stable and won't change during the lifetime of the buffer. For dynamic and external buffers the pointer may change as the buffer is resized or reconfigured; the caller is responsible for ensuring pointer values returned from this API call are not used after the buffer is resized/reconfigured.

There is no reliable way to distinguish a zero-size buffer from a non-buffer based on the return values alone: a NULL with zero size is returned for a non-buffer. The same values may be returned for a zero-size buffer (although it is also possible that a non-NULL pointer is returned). Use duk_is_buffer() or duk_is_buffer_data() or when type checking a buffer or a buffer object.

Example §

void *ptr;
duk_size_t sz;

ptr = duk_get_buffer(ctx, -3, &sz);
printf("buf=%p, size=%lu\n", ptr, (unsigned long) sz);

.duk_get_buffer_data() 1.3.0 stack bufferobject buffer §

Prototype §

void *duk_get_buffer_data(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx, duk_size_t *out_size);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Get the data pointer for a plain buffer or a buffer object (ArrayBuffer, Node.js Buffer, DataView, or TypedArray view) value at idx without modifying or coercing the value. Return a non-NULL pointer if the value is a valid buffer with a non-zero size. For a zero-size buffer, may return a NULL or a non-NULL pointer. Returns NULL if the value is not a buffer, the value is a buffer object whose "backing buffer" doesn't fully cover the buffer object's apparent size, or the index is invalid. If out_size is non-NULL, the size of the buffer is written to *out_size; 0 is written if the return value is NULL.

The data area indicated by the return pointer and length is the full buffer for a plain buffer value, and the active "slice" for a buffer object. The length returned is expressed in bytes (instead of elements), so that you can always access ptr[0] to ptr[len - 1]. For example:

  • For new Uint8Array(16) the return pointer would point to start of the array and length would be 16.
  • For new Uint32Array(16) the return pointer would point to start of the array and length would be 64.
  • For new Uint32Array(16).subarray(2, 6) the return pointer would point to the start of the subarray (2 x 4 = 8 bytes from the start of the Uint32Array) and length would be 16 (= (6-2) x 4).

If the target value or the underlying buffer value of a buffer object is a fixed buffer, the returned pointer is stable and won't change during the lifetime of the buffer. For dynamic and external buffers the pointer may change as the buffer is resized or reconfigured; the caller is responsible for ensuring pointer values returned from this API call are not used after the buffer is resized/reconfigured. Buffers created from ECMAScript code directly e.g. as new Buffer(8) are backed by an automatic fixed buffer, so their pointers are always stable.

In special cases it's possible that a buffer object is backed by a plain buffer which is smaller than the buffer object's apparent size. In these cases a NULL is returned; this ensures that the pointer and size returned can always be used safely. (This behavior may change even in minor versions.)

There is no reliable way to distinguish a zero-size buffer from a non-buffer based on the return values alone: a NULL with zero size is returned for a non-buffer. The same values may be returned for a zero-size buffer (although it is also possible that a non-NULL pointer is returned). Use duk_is_buffer() or duk_is_buffer_data() or when type checking a buffer or a buffer object.

Example §

void *ptr;
duk_size_t sz;

duk_eval_string(ctx, "new Uint16Array(16)");
ptr = duk_get_buffer_data(ctx, -1, &sz);

/* Here 'ptr' would be non-NULL and sz would be 32 (bytes). */

.duk_get_buffer_data_default() 2.1.0 stack buffer §

Prototype §

void *duk_get_buffer_data_default(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx, duk_size_t *out_size, void *def_ptr, duk_size_t def_len);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Like duk_get_buffer_data() but with an explicit default value, returned when the value is not a plain buffer, a buffer object, or the index is invalid.

Default pointer values given to duk_opt_xxx() and duk_get_xxx_default() are not tracked by Duktape, e.g. duk_opt_string() does not make a copy of the default string argument. The caller is responsible for ensuring that the default pointer remains valid for its intended use. For example, duk_opt_string(ctx, 3, "localhost") works fine because a string constant is always valid, but if the argument is a libc allocated string, caller must ensure the pointer returned from duk_opt_string() is not used beyond the lifetime of the libc allocated string.

Example §

void *ptr;
duk_size_t sz;
char buf[256];

/* Use a buffer or buffer object given at index 2, or default to 'buf'. */
ptr = duk_get_buffer_data_default(ctx, 2, &sz, (void *) buf, sizeof(buf));

.duk_get_buffer_default() 2.1.0 stack buffer §

Prototype §

void *duk_get_buffer_default(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx, duk_size_t *out_size, void *def_ptr, duk_size_t def_len);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Like duk_get_buffer() but with an explicit default value, returned when the value is not a buffer or the index is invalid.

Default pointer values given to duk_opt_xxx() and duk_get_xxx_default() are not tracked by Duktape, e.g. duk_opt_string() does not make a copy of the default string argument. The caller is responsible for ensuring that the default pointer remains valid for its intended use. For example, duk_opt_string(ctx, 3, "localhost") works fine because a string constant is always valid, but if the argument is a libc allocated string, caller must ensure the pointer returned from duk_opt_string() is not used beyond the lifetime of the libc allocated string.

Example §

void *ptr;
duk_size_t sz;
char buf[256];

/* Use a buffer given at index 2, or default to 'buf'. */
ptr = duk_get_buffer_data_default(ctx, 2, &sz, (void *) buf, sizeof(buf));

.duk_get_c_function() 1.0.0 stack function §

Prototype §

duk_c_function duk_get_c_function(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Get the Duktape/C function pointer (a duk_c_function) from an ECMAScript function object associated with a Duktape/C function. If the value is not such a function or idx is invalid, returns NULL.

If you prefer an error to be thrown for an invalid value or index, use duk_require_c_function().

Example §

duk_c_function funcptr;

funcptr = duk_get_c_function(ctx, -3);

.duk_get_c_function_default() 2.1.0 stack function §

Prototype §

duk_c_function duk_get_c_function_default(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx, duk_c_function def_value);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Like duk_get_c_function() but with an explicit default value, returned when the value is not a Duktape/C function or the index is invalid.

Example §

duk_c_function funcptr;

/* Native callback, default to nop_callback. */
funcptr = duk_get_c_function_default(ctx, -3, nop_callback);

.duk_get_context() 1.0.0 stack borrowed §

Prototype §

duk_context *duk_get_context(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Get a context pointer for a Duktape thread at idx. If the value at idx is not a Duktape thread or the index is invalid, returns NULL.

The returned context pointer is only valid while the Duktape thread is reachable from a garbage collection point of view.

If you prefer an error to be thrown for an invalid value or index, use duk_require_context().

Example §

duk_context *new_ctx;

/* Create a new thread and get a context pointer. */

(void) duk_push_thread(ctx);
new_ctx = duk_get_context(ctx, -1);

/* You can use new_ctx as long as the related thread is reachable
 * from a garbage collection point of view.

duk_push_string(new_ctx, "foo");

/* This duk_pop() makes the new thread unreachable (assuming there
 * is no other reference to it), so new_ctx is no longer valid
 * afterwards.


/* Using new_ctx here may cause a crash. */

.duk_get_context_default() 2.1.0 stack borrowed §

Prototype §

duk_context *duk_get_context_default(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx, duk_context *def_value);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Like duk_get_context() but with an explicit default value, returned when the value is not a Duktape thread or the index is invalid.

Default pointer values given to duk_opt_xxx() and duk_get_xxx_default() are not tracked by Duktape, e.g. duk_opt_string() does not make a copy of the default string argument. The caller is responsible for ensuring that the default pointer remains valid for its intended use. For example, duk_opt_string(ctx, 3, "localhost") works fine because a string constant is always valid, but if the argument is a libc allocated string, caller must ensure the pointer returned from duk_opt_string() is not used beyond the lifetime of the libc allocated string.

Example §

duk_context *target_ctx;

target_ctx = duk_get_context_default(ctx, 2, default_ctx);

See also §

.duk_get_current_magic() 1.0.0 magic function §

Prototype §

duk_int_t duk_get_current_magic(duk_context *ctx);

Stack §

(No effect on value stack.)

Summary §

Get the 16-bit signed "magic" value associated with the running Duktape/C function. If there is no current activation, zero is returned.

The magic function allows the same Duktape/C function to be used with slightly different behavior; behavior flags or other parameters can be passed in the magic field. This is less expensive than having behavior related flags or properties in the function object as normal properties.

If you need an unsigned 16-bit value, simply bitwise AND the result:

unsigned int my_flags = ((unsigned int) duk_get_current_magic(ctx)) & 0xffffU;

Example §

duk_int_t my_flags = duk_get_current_magic(ctx);
if (my_flags & 0x01) {
    printf("flag set\n");
} else {
    printf("flag not set\n");

.duk_get_error_code() 1.1.0 stack error §

Prototype §

duk_errcode_t duk_get_error_code(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Map the value at idx to the error codes DUK_ERR_xxx based on which Error subclass the value inherits from. For example, if the value at the stack top is an user-defined error which inherits from ReferenceError, the return value will be DUK_ERR_REFERENCE_ERROR. If the value inherits from Error but doesn't inherit from any of the standard subclasses (EvalError, RangeError, ReferenceError, SyntaxError, TypeError, URIError) DUK_ERR_ERROR is returned. If the value is not an object, does not inherit from Error, or idx is invalid, returns 0 (= DUK_ERR_NONE).

Example §

if (duk_get_error_code(ctx, -3) == DUK_ERR_URI_ERROR) {
    printf("Invalid URI\n");

.duk_get_finalizer() 1.0.0 object finalizer §

Prototype §

void duk_get_finalizer(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ] [ . . . val . . . finalizer ]

Summary §

Get the finalizer associated with a value at idx. If the value is not an object or it is an object without a finalizer, undefined is pushed to the stack instead.

Example §

/* Get the finalizer of an object at index -3. */
duk_get_finalizer(ctx, -3);

.duk_get_global_heapptr() 2.3.0 property heapptr borrowed §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_get_global_heapptr(duk_context *ctx, void *ptr);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . val ] (if key exists)
[ . . . ] [ . . . undefined ] (if key doesn't exist)

Summary §

Like duk_get_global_string(), but the property name is given as a Duktape heap pointer obtained e.g. using duk_get_heapptr(). If ptr is NULL, undefined is used as the key.

Example §

(void) duk_get_global_heapptr(ctx, my_ptr_ref);

.duk_get_global_literal() 2.3.0 property literal §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_get_global_literal(duk_context *ctx, const char *key_literal);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . val ] (if key exists)
[ . . . ] [ . . . undefined ] (if key doesn't exist)

Summary §

Like duk_get_global_string(), but the property name is given as a string literal (see duk_push_literal()).

Example §

(void) duk_get_global_literal(ctx, "encodeURIComponent");
duk_push_string(ctx, "foo bar");
duk_call(ctx, 1);  /* [ ... encodeURIComponent "foo bar" ] -> [ "foo%20bar" ] */
printf("encoded: %s\n", duk_to_string(ctx, -1));

.duk_get_global_lstring() 2.0.0 string property §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_get_global_lstring(duk_context *ctx, const char *key, duk_size_t key_len);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . val ] (if key exists)
[ . . . ] [ . . . undefined ] (if key doesn't exist)

Summary §

Like duk_get_global_string() but the key is given as a string with explicit length.

Example §

(void) duk_get_global_lstring(ctx, "internal" "\x00" "nul", 12);

.duk_get_global_string() 1.0.0 string property §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_get_global_string(duk_context *ctx, const char *key);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . val ] (if key exists)
[ . . . ] [ . . . undefined ] (if key doesn't exist)

Summary §

Get property named key from the global object. Returns non-zero if the property exists and zero otherwise. This is a convenience function which does the equivalent of:

duk_bool_t ret;

ret = duk_get_prop_string(ctx, -1, key);
duk_remove(ctx, -2);
/* 'ret' would be the return value from duk_get_global_string() */

Example §

(void) duk_get_global_string(ctx, "encodeURIComponent");
duk_push_string(ctx, "foo bar");
duk_call(ctx, 1);  /* [ ... encodeURIComponent "foo bar" ] -> [ "foo%20bar" ] */
printf("encoded: %s\n", duk_to_string(ctx, -1));

.duk_get_heapptr() 1.1.0 stack heapptr borrowed §

Prototype §

void *duk_get_heapptr(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Get a borrowed void * reference to a Duktape heap allocated value (object, buffer, string) at idx. Return NULL if the index is invalid or the target value is not heap allocated. The returned pointer must not be interpreted or dereferenced, but duk_push_heapptr() can be used to push the original value into the value stack later.

The returned void pointer is only valid while the original value is reachable from a garbage collection point of view. If this is not the case, it is memory unsafe to use duk_push_heapptr().

Example §

duk_context *new_ctx;
void *ptr;

duk_eval_string(ctx, "({ foo: 'bar' })");
ptr = duk_get_heapptr(ctx, -1);

/* The original value must remain reachable for Duktape up to a future
 * duk_push_heapptr().  Here we just write it to the global object, but
 * it could also be a value stack somewhere, a stash object, etc.
duk_put_global_string(ctx, "ref");

/* Later, assuming the original value has been reachable all the way
 * to here:

duk_push_heapptr(ctx, ptr);
duk_get_prop_string(ctx, -1, "foo");
printf(" %s\n", duk_safe_to_string(ctx, -1));  /* prints 'bar' */

.duk_get_heapptr_default() 2.1.0 stack heapptr borrowed §

Prototype §

void *duk_get_heapptr_default(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx, void *def_value);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Like duk_get_heapptr() but with an explicit default value, returned when the value is not a boolean or the index is invalid.

Default pointer values given to duk_opt_xxx() and duk_get_xxx_default() are not tracked by Duktape, e.g. duk_opt_string() does not make a copy of the default string argument. The caller is responsible for ensuring that the default pointer remains valid for its intended use. For example, duk_opt_string(ctx, 3, "localhost") works fine because a string constant is always valid, but if the argument is a libc allocated string, caller must ensure the pointer returned from duk_opt_string() is not used beyond the lifetime of the libc allocated string.

Example §

void *ptr;

ptr = duk_get_heapptr_default(ctx, 2, default_ptr);

See also §

.duk_get_int() 1.0.0 stack §

Prototype §

duk_int_t duk_get_int(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Get the number at idx and convert it to a C duk_int_t by first clamping the value between [DUK_INT_MIN, DUK_INT_MAX] and then truncating towards zero. The value on the stack is not modified. If the value is a NaN, is not a number, or the index is invalid, returns 0.

Conversion examples:

"123"0 (non-number)
The coercion is different from a basic C cast from double to integer, which may have counterintuitive (and non-portable) behavior like coercing NaN to DUK_INT_MIN. The coercion is also different from ECMAScript ToInt32() coercion because the full range of the native duk_int_t is allowed (which may be more than 32 bits).

Example §

printf("int value: %ld\n", (long) duk_get_int(ctx, -3));

.duk_get_int_default() 2.1.0 stack §

Prototype §

duk_int_t duk_get_int_default(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx, duk_int_t def_value);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Like duk_get_int() but with an explicit default value, returned when the value is not a number or the index is invalid.

Example §

int port = (int) duk_get_int_default(ctx, 1, 80);  /* default: 80 */

See also §

.duk_get_length() 1.0.0 stack §

Prototype §

duk_size_t duk_get_length(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Get a type-specific "length" for value at idx:

  • String: character length of string (not byte length)
  • Object: Math.floor(ToNumber(obj.length)) if result within duk_size_t unsigned range, otherwise 0 (for Arrays the result is Array .length)
  • Buffer: byte length of buffer
  • Other type or invalid stack index: 0

To get the byte length of a string, use duk_get_lstring().

Example §

if (duk_is_string(ctx, -3)) {
    printf("string char len is %lu\n", (unsigned long) duk_get_length(ctx, -3));

See also §

.duk_get_lstring() 1.0.0 string stack §

Prototype §

const char *duk_get_lstring(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx, duk_size_t *out_len);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Get character data pointer and length for a string at idx without modifying or coercing the value. Returns a non-NULL pointer to the read-only, NUL-terminated string data, and writes the string byte length to *out_len (if out_len is non-NULL). Returns NULL and writes zero to *out_len (if out_len is non-NULL) if the value is not a string or the index is invalid.

To get the string character length (instead of byte length), use duk_get_length().

A non-NULL return value is guaranteed even for zero length strings; this differs from how buffer data pointers are handled (for technical reasons).

Example §

const char *str;
duk_size_t len;

str = duk_get_lstring(ctx, -3, &len);
if (str) {
    printf("value is a string, %lu bytes\n", (unsigned long) len);

.duk_get_lstring_default() 2.1.0 string stack §

Prototype §

const char *duk_get_lstring_default(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx, duk_size_t *out_len, const char *def_ptr, duk_size_t def_len);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Like duk_get_lstring() but with an explicit default value, returned when the value is not a string or the index is invalid.

Default pointer values given to duk_opt_xxx() and duk_get_xxx_default() are not tracked by Duktape, e.g. duk_opt_string() does not make a copy of the default string argument. The caller is responsible for ensuring that the default pointer remains valid for its intended use. For example, duk_opt_string(ctx, 3, "localhost") works fine because a string constant is always valid, but if the argument is a libc allocated string, caller must ensure the pointer returned from duk_opt_string() is not used beyond the lifetime of the libc allocated string.

Example §

const char *str;
duk_size_t len;

str = duk_get_lstring_default(ctx, -3, &len, "foo" "\x00" "bar", 7);

.duk_get_magic() 1.0.0 magic function §

Prototype §

duk_int_t duk_get_magic(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Get the 16-bit signed "magic" value associated with the Duktape/C function at idx. If the value is not a Duktape/C function, an error is thrown.

Lightweight functions have space for only 8 magic value bits which is interpreted as a signed integer (-128 to 127).

Example §

duk_int_t my_flags = duk_get_magic(ctx, -3);

.duk_get_memory_functions() 1.0.0 memory heap §

Prototype §

void duk_get_memory_functions(duk_context *ctx, duk_memory_functions *out_funcs);

Stack §

(No effect on value stack.)

Summary §

Get the memory management functions used by the context.

Normally there is no reason to call this function: you can use the memory management primitives through wrapped memory management functions such as duk_alloc(), duk_realloc(), and duk_free().

Example §

duk_memory_functions funcs;

duk_get_memory_functions(ctx, &funcs);

.duk_get_now() 2.0.0 time §

Prototype §

duk_double_t duk_get_now(duk_context *ctx);

Stack §

(No effect on value stack.)

Summary §

Get current time in POSIX milliseconds, as seen by the ECMAScript environment. The return value matches with the reservation that sub-millisecond resolution may be available.

Example §

duk_double_t now;

now = duk_get_now(ctx);
print("timestamp: %lf\n", (double) now);

.duk_get_number() 1.0.0 stack §

Prototype §

duk_double_t duk_get_number(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Get the number value at idx without modifying or coercing the value. Returns NaN if the value is not a number or the index is invalid.

Example §

printf("value: %lf\n", (double) duk_get_number(ctx, -3));

.duk_get_number_default() 2.1.0 stack §

Prototype §

duk_double_t duk_get_number_default(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx, duk_double_t def_value);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Like duk_get_number() but with an explicit default value, returned when the value is not a number or the index is invalid.

Example §

duk_double_t backoff_multiplier = duk_get_number_default(ctx, 2, 1.5);  /* default: 1.5 */

See also §

.duk_get_pointer() 1.0.0 stack §

Prototype §

void *duk_get_pointer(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Get the pointer value at idx as void * without modifying or coercing the value. Returns NULL if the value is not a pointer or the index is invalid.

Example §

void *ptr;

ptr = duk_get_pointer(ctx, -3);
printf("my pointer is: %p\n", ptr);

.duk_get_pointer_default() 2.1.0 stack §

Prototype §

void *duk_get_pointer_default(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx, void *def_value);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Like duk_get_pointer() but with an explicit default value, returned when the value is not a pointer or the index is invalid.

Example §

void *ptr;

ptr = duk_get_pointer_default(ctx, -3, (void *) 0x12345678);
printf("my pointer is: %p\n", ptr);

See also §

.duk_get_prop() 1.0.0 property §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_get_prop(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t obj_idx);

Stack §

[ . . . obj . . . key ] [ . . . obj . . . val ] (if key exists)
[ . . . obj . . . key ] [ . . . obj . . . undefined ] (if key doesn't exist)

Summary §

Get the property key of a value at obj_idx. Return code and error throwing behavior:

  • If the property exists, 1 is returned and key is replaced by the property value on the value stack. If the property is an accessor, the "getter" function may throw an error.
  • If the property does not exist, 0 is returned and key is replaced by undefined on the value stack.
  • If the value at obj_idx is not object coercible, an error is thrown.
  • If obj_idx is invalid, an error is thrown.

The property read is equivalent to the ECMAScript expression res = obj[key] with the exception that the presence or absence of the property is indicated by the call return value. For precise semantics, see Property Accessors, GetValue (V), and [[Get]] (P). Both the target value and the key are coerced:

  • The target value is automatically coerced to an object. For instance, a string is converted to a String and you can access its "length" property.
  • The key argument is internally coerced using ToPropertyKey() coercion which results in a string or a Symbol. There is an internal fast path for arrays and numeric indices which avoids an explicit string coercion, so use a numeric key when applicable.

If the target is a Proxy object which implements the get trap, the trap is invoked and the API call always returns 1 (i.e. property present): the absence/presence of properties is not indicated by the get Proxy trap. Thus, the API call return value may be of limited use if the target object is potentially a Proxy.

If the key is a fixed string you can avoid one API call and use the duk_get_prop_string() variant. Similarly, if the key is an array index, you can use the duk_get_prop_index() variant.

Although the base value for property accesses is usually an object, it can technically be an arbitrary value. Plain string and buffer values have virtual index properties so you can access "foo"[2], for instance. Most primitive values also inherit from some prototype object so that you can e.g. call methods on them: (12345).toString(16).

Example §

/* reading [global object].Math.PI */
duk_push_global_object(ctx);    /* -> [ global ] */
duk_push_string(ctx, "Math");   /* -> [ global "Math" ] */
duk_get_prop(ctx, -2);          /* -> [ global Math ] */
duk_push_string(ctx, "PI");     /* -> [ global Math "PI" ] */
duk_get_prop(ctx, -2);          /* -> [ global Math PI ] */
printf("Math.PI is %lf\n", (double) duk_get_number(ctx, -1));
duk_pop_n(ctx, 3);

/* reading a configuration value, cfg_idx is normalized
 * index of a configuration object.
duk_push_string(ctx, "mySetting");
if (duk_get_prop(ctx, cfg_idx)) {
    const char *str_value = duk_to_string(ctx, -1);
    printf("configuration setting present, value: %s\n", str_value);
} else {
    printf("configuration setting missing\n");
duk_pop(ctx);  /* remember to pop, regardless of whether or not present */

.duk_get_prop_desc() 2.0.0 sandbox property §

Prototype §

void duk_get_prop_desc(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t obj_idx, duk_uint_t flags);

Stack §

[ . . . obj . . . key ] [ . . . obj . . . desc ] (if property exists)
[ . . . obj . . . key ] [ . . . obj . . . undefined ] (if property doesn't exist)

Summary §

Equivalent of Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor() in the C API: pushes a property descriptor object for a named property of the object at obj_idx. If the target is not an object (or the index is invalid) an error is thrown.

No flags are defined yet, use 0 for flags.

Example §

duk_idx_t obj_idx = /* ... */;

/* Check if property "my_prop" is a getter. */

duk_push_string(ctx, "my_prop");
duk_get_prop_desc(ctx, obj_idx, 0 /*flags*/);
if (duk_is_object(ctx, -1)) {
  /* Property found. */
  if (duk_has_prop_string(ctx, -1, "get")) {
    printf("my_prop is a getter\n");
  } else {
    printf("my_prop is not a getter\n");
} else {
  printf("my_prop not found\n");

See also §

.duk_get_prop_heapptr() 2.2.0 property heapptr borrowed §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_get_prop_heapptr(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t obj_idx, void *ptr);

Stack §

[ . . . obj . . . ] [ . . . obj . . . val ] (if key exists)
[ . . . obj . . . ] [ . . . obj . . . undefined ] (if key doesn't exist)

Summary §

Like duk_get_prop(), but the property name is given as a Duktape heap pointer obtained e.g. using duk_get_heapptr(). If ptr is NULL, undefined is used as the key.

Example §

void *ptr;

duk_push_string(ctx, "propertyName");
ptr = duk_get_heapptr(ctx, -1);
/* String behind 'ptr' must remain reachable! */

(void) duk_get_prop_heapptr(ctx, -3, ptr);
printf("obj.propertyName = %s\n", duk_to_string(ctx, -1));

.duk_get_prop_index() 1.0.0 property §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_get_prop_index(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t obj_idx, duk_uarridx_t arr_idx);

Stack §

[ . . . obj . . . ] [ . . . obj . . . val ] (if key exists)
[ . . . obj . . . ] [ . . . obj . . . undefined ] (if key doesn't exist)

Summary §

Like duk_get_prop(), but the property name is given as an unsigned integer arr_idx. This is especially useful for accessing array elements (but is not limited to that).

Conceptually the number is coerced to a string for the property read, e.g. 123 would be equivalent to a property name "123". Duktape avoids an explicit coercion whenever possible.

Example §

(void) duk_get_prop_index(ctx, -3, 123);
printf("obj[123] = %s\n", duk_to_string(ctx, -1));

.duk_get_prop_literal() 2.3.0 property literal §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_get_prop_literal(duk_context *ctx, const char *key_literal);

Stack §

[ . . . obj . . . ] [ . . . obj . . . val ] (if key exists)
[ . . . obj . . . ] [ . . . obj . . . undefined ] (if key doesn't exist)

Summary §

Like duk_get_prop(), but the property name is given as a string literal (see duk_push_literal()).

Example §

(void) duk_get_prop_literal(ctx, -3, "myPropertyName");
printf("obj.myPropertyName = %s\n", duk_to_string(ctx, -1));

.duk_get_prop_lstring() 2.0.0 string property §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_get_prop_lstring(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t obj_idx, const char *key, duk_size_t key_len);

Stack §

[ . . . obj . . . ] [ . . . obj . . . val ] (if key exists)
[ . . . obj . . . ] [ . . . obj . . . undefined ] (if key doesn't exist)

Summary §

Like duk_get_prop(), but the property name is given as a string with explicit length.

Example §

(void) duk_get_prop_lstring(ctx, -3, "internal" "\x00" "nul", 12);
printf("obj.internal[00]nul = %s\n", duk_to_string(ctx, -1));

.duk_get_prop_string() 1.0.0 string property §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_get_prop_string(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t obj_idx, const char *key);

Stack §

[ . . . obj . . . ] [ . . . obj . . . val ] (if key exists)
[ . . . obj . . . ] [ . . . obj . . . undefined ] (if key doesn't exist)

Summary §

Like duk_get_prop(), but the property name is given as a NUL-terminated C string key.

Example §

(void) duk_get_prop_string(ctx, -3, "propertyName");
printf("obj.propertyName = %s\n", duk_to_string(ctx, -1));

.duk_get_prototype() 1.0.0 prototype object §

Prototype §

void duk_get_prototype(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ] [ . . . val . . . proto ]

Summary §

Get the internal prototype of the value at idx. If the value is not an object, an error is thrown. If the object has no prototype (which is possible for "bare objects") undefined is pushed to the stack instead.

Example §

/* Get the internal prototype of an object at index -3. */
duk_get_prototype(ctx, -3);

.duk_get_string() 1.0.0 string stack §

Prototype §

const char *duk_get_string(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Get character data pointer for a string at idx without modifying or coercing the value. Returns a non-NULL pointer to the read-only, NUL-terminated string data. Returns NULL if the value is not a string or the index is invalid.

To get the string byte length explicitly (which is useful if the string contains embedded NUL characters), use duk_get_lstring().

A non-NULL return value is guaranteed even for zero length strings; this differs from how buffer data pointers are handled (for technical reasons).
Symbol values are visible in the C API as strings so that both duk_is_symbol() and duk_is_string() are true. This behavior is similar to Duktape 1.x internal strings. You can distinguish Symbols from ordinary strings using duk_is_symbol(). For the internal representation, see symbols.rst.

Example §

const char *str;

str = duk_get_string(ctx, -3);
if (str) {
    printf("value is a string: %s\n", str);

.duk_get_string_default() 2.1.0 string stack §

Prototype §

const char *duk_get_string_default(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx, const char *def_value);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Like duk_get_string() but with an explicit default value, returned when the value is not a string or the index is invalid.

Default pointer values given to duk_opt_xxx() and duk_get_xxx_default() are not tracked by Duktape, e.g. duk_opt_string() does not make a copy of the default string argument. The caller is responsible for ensuring that the default pointer remains valid for its intended use. For example, duk_opt_string(ctx, 3, "localhost") works fine because a string constant is always valid, but if the argument is a libc allocated string, caller must ensure the pointer returned from duk_opt_string() is not used beyond the lifetime of the libc allocated string.

Example §

const char *host = duk_get_string_default(ctx, 3, "localhost");

.duk_get_top() 1.0.0 stack §

Prototype §

duk_idx_t duk_get_top(duk_context *ctx);

Stack §

(No effect on value stack.)

Summary §

Get current stack top (>= 0), indicating the number of values currently on the value stack (of the current activation).

Example §

printf("stack top is %ld\n", (long) duk_get_top(ctx));

.duk_get_top_index() 1.0.0 stack §

Prototype §

duk_idx_t duk_get_top_index(duk_context *ctx);

Stack §

(No effect on value stack.)

Summary §

Get the absolute index (>= 0) of the topmost value on the stack. If the stack is empty, returns DUK_INVALID_INDEX.

Example §

duk_idx_t idx_top;

idx_top = duk_get_top_index(ctx);
if (idx_top == DUK_INVALID_INDEX) {
    printf("stack is empty\n");
} else {
    printf("index of top element: %ld\n", (long) idx_top);

.duk_get_type() 1.0.0 stack §

Prototype §

duk_int_t duk_get_type(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Returns type of value at idx. The return value is one of DUK_TYPE_xxx or DUK_TYPE_NONE if idx is invalid.

Symbol values are visible in the C API as strings so that both duk_is_symbol() and duk_is_string() are true. This behavior is similar to Duktape 1.x internal strings. You can distinguish Symbols from ordinary strings using duk_is_symbol(). For the internal representation, see symbols.rst.

Example §

if (duk_get_type(ctx, -3) == DUK_TYPE_NUMBER) {
    printf("value is a number\n");

.duk_get_type_mask() 1.0.0 stack §

Prototype §

duk_uint_t duk_get_type_mask(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Returns type mask of value at idx. The return value is one of DUK_TYPE_MASK_xxx or DUK_TYPE_MASK_NONE if idx is invalid.

Type masks allow e.g. for a convenient comparison for multiple types at once (the duk_check_type_mask() call is even more convenient for this purpose).

Symbol values are visible in the C API as strings so that both duk_is_symbol() and duk_is_string() are true. This behavior is similar to Duktape 1.x internal strings. You can distinguish Symbols from ordinary strings using duk_is_symbol(). For the internal representation, see symbols.rst.

Example §

if (duk_get_type_mask(ctx, -3) & (DUK_TYPE_MASK_STRING |
                                  DUK_TYPE_MASK_NUMBER)) {
    printf("value is a string or a number\n");

.duk_get_uint() 1.0.0 stack §

Prototype §

duk_uint_t duk_get_uint(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Get the number at idx and convert it to a C duk_uint_t by first clamping the value between [0, DUK_UINT_MAX] and then truncating towards zero. The value on the stack is not modified. If the value is a NaN, is not a number, or the index is invalid, returns 0.

Conversion examples:

"123"0 (non-number)
The coercion is different from a basic C cast from double to unsigned integer, which may have counterintuitive (and non-portable) behavior for e.g. NaN values. The coercion is also different from ECMAScript ToUint32() coercion because the full range of the native duk_uint_t is allowed (which may be more than 32 bits).

Example §

printf("unsigned int value: %lu\n", (unsigned long) duk_get_uint(ctx, -3));

.duk_get_uint_default() 2.1.0 stack §

Prototype §

duk_uint_t duk_get_uint_default(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx, duk_uint_t def_value);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Like duk_get_uint() but with an explicit default value, returned when the value is not a number or the index is invalid.

Example §

unsigned int count = (unsigned int) duk_get_uint_default(ctx, 1, 3);  /* default: 3 */

See also §

.duk_has_prop() 1.0.0 property §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_has_prop(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t obj_idx);

Stack §

[ . . . obj . . . key ] [ . . . obj . . . ]

Summary §

Check whether value at obj_idx has a property key. key is removed from the stack. Return code and error throwing behavior:

  • If the property exists, 1 is returned.
  • If the property doesn't exist, 0 is returned.
  • If the value at obj_idx is not an object, an error is thrown.
  • If obj_idx is invalid, an error is thrown.

The property existence check is equivalent to the ECMAScript expression res = key in obj. For semantics, see Property Accessors, The in operator, and [[HasProperty]] (P). The key is coerced:

  • The key argument is internally coerced using ToPropertyKey() coercion which results in a string or a Symbol. There is an internal fast path for arrays and numeric indices which avoids an explicit string coercion, so use a numeric key when applicable.

If the target is a Proxy object which implements the has trap, the trap is invoked and the API call return value matches the trap return value.

Instead of accepting any object coercible value (like most property related API calls) this call accepts only an object as its target value. This is intentional as it follows ECMAScript operator semantics.

If the key is a fixed string you can avoid one API call and use the duk_has_prop_string() variant. Similarly, if the key is an array index, you can use the duk_has_prop_index() variant.

Example §

duk_push_string(ctx, "myProperty");
if (duk_has_prop(ctx, -3)) {
    printf("obj has 'myProperty'\n");
} else {
    printf("obj does not have 'myProperty'\n");

.duk_has_prop_heapptr() 2.2.0 property heapptr borrowed §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_has_prop_heapptr(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t obj_idx, void *ptr);

Stack §

[ . . . obj . . . ] [ . . . obj . . . ]

Summary §

Like duk_has_prop(), but the property name is given as a Duktape heap pointer obtained e.g. using duk_get_heapptr(). If ptr is NULL, undefined is used as the key.

Example §

void *ptr;

duk_push_string(ctx, "propertyName");
ptr = duk_get_heapptr(ctx, -1);
/* String behind 'ptr' must remain reachable! */

if (duk_has_prop_heapptr(ctx, -3, ptr)) {
    printf("obj has 'myProperty'\n");
} else {
    printf("obj does not have 'myProperty'\n");

.duk_has_prop_index() 1.0.0 property §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_has_prop_index(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t obj_idx, duk_uarridx_t arr_idx);

Stack §

[ . . . obj . . . ] [ . . . obj . . . ]

Summary §

Like duk_has_prop(), but the property name is given as an unsigned integer arr_idx. This is especially useful for checking existence of array elements (but is not limited to that).

Conceptually the number is coerced to a string for property existence check, e.g. 123 would be equivalent to a property name "123". Duktape avoids an explicit coercion whenever possible.

Example §

if (duk_has_prop_index(ctx, -3, 123)) {
    printf("obj has index 123\n");
} else {
    printf("obj does not have index 123\n");

.duk_has_prop_literal() 2.3.0 property literal §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_has_prop_literal(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t obj_idx, const char *key_literal);

Stack §

[ . . . obj . . . ] [ . . . obj . . . ]

Summary §

Like duk_has_prop(), but the property name is given as a string literal (see duk_push_literal()).

Example §

if (duk_has_prop_literal(ctx, -3, "myPropertyKey");
    printf("obj has 'myPropertyKey'\n");
} else {
    printf("obj does not have 'myPropertyKey'\n");

.duk_has_prop_lstring() 2.0.0 string property §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_has_prop_lstring(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t obj_idx, const char *key, duk_size_t key_len);

Stack §

[ . . . obj . . . ] [ . . . obj . . . ]

Summary §

Like duk_has_prop(), but the property name is given as a string with explicit length.

Example §

if (duk_has_prop_lstring(ctx, -3, "internal" "\x00" "nul", 12)) {
    printf("obj has 'internal[00]nul'\n");
} else {
    printf("obj does not have 'internal[00]nul'\n");

.duk_has_prop_string() 1.0.0 string property §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_has_prop_string(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t obj_idx, const char *key);

Stack §

[ . . . obj . . . ] [ . . . obj . . . ]

Summary §

Like duk_has_prop(), but the property name is given as a NUL-terminated C string key.

Example §

if (duk_has_prop_string(ctx, -3, "myProperty")) {
    printf("obj has 'myProperty'\n");
} else {
    printf("obj does not have 'myProperty'\n");

.duk_hex_decode() 1.0.0 hex codec §

Prototype §

void duk_hex_decode(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . hex_val . . . ] [ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Decodes a hex encoded value into a buffer as an in-place operation. If the input is invalid, throws an error.

Example §

duk_push_string(ctx, "7465737420737472696e67");
duk_hex_decode(ctx, -1);  /* buffer */
printf("hex decoded: %s\n", duk_to_string(ctx, -1));

/* Output:
 * hex decoded: test string

See also §

.duk_hex_encode() 1.0.0 hex codec §

Prototype §

const char *duk_hex_encode(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ] [ . . . hex_val . . . ]

Summary §

Coerces an arbitrary value into a buffer and then encodes the result into hex as an in-place operation. Returns pointer to the resulting string for convenience.

Coercing to a buffer first coerces a non-buffer value into a string, and then coerces the string into a buffer. The resulting buffer contains the string in CESU-8 encoding.

Example §

duk_push_string(ctx, "foo");
printf("hex encoded: %s\n", duk_hex_encode(ctx, -1));

/* Output:
 * hex encoded: 666f6f

See also §

.duk_insert() 1.0.0 stack §

Prototype §

void duk_insert(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t to_idx);

Stack §

[ . . . old(to_idx) . . . val ] [ . . . val(to_idx) old . . . ]

Summary §

Insert a value at to_idx with a value popped from the stack top. The previous value at to_idx and any values above it are moved up the stack by a step. If to_idx is an invalid index, throws an error.

Negative indices are evaluated prior to popping the value at the stack top. This is also illustrated by the example.

Example §

duk_push_int(ctx, 123);
duk_push_int(ctx, 234);
duk_push_int(ctx, 345);       /* -> [ 123 234 345 ] */
duk_push_string(ctx, "foo");  /* -> [ 123 234 345 "foo" ] */
duk_insert(ctx, -3);          /* -> [ 123 "foo" 234 345 ] */

.duk_inspect_callstack_entry() 2.0.0 stack inspect §

Prototype §

void duk_inspect_callstack_entry(duk_context *ctx, duk_int_t level);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . info ]

Summary §

Inspect callstack entry at level and push an object containing Duktape specific internal information about the entry. The level argument must be negative and mimics the value stack index convention: -1 is the most recent (innermost) call, -2 is its caller, and so on. If the level argument is invalid (e.g. outside of current callstack) undefined is pushed instead.

The result object is not under versioning guarantees so its properties may change even in minor releases (but not patch releases). This is a practical compromise: internals change quite frequently, so the choices are either to make no versioning guarantees or avoid exposing internals at all. As such, calling code should never rely on having a certain set of fields available, and it may be necessary to check DUK_VERSION when interpreting the result fields.

The following table summarizes current properties.

function Function being executed. Note that this is a potential sandboxing concern if exposed to untrusted code.
pc Program counter for ECMAScript functions. Zero if executing a native function.
lineNumber Line number for ECMAScript functions. Zero if executing a native function or if pc-to-line translation data is not available.

Example §

duk_inspect_callstack_entry(ctx, -1);
duk_get_prop_string(ctx, -1, "lineNumber");
printf("immediate caller is executing on line %ld\n", (long) duk_to_int(ctx, -1));

.duk_inspect_value() 2.0.0 stack inspect §

Prototype §

void duk_inspect_value(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ] [ . . . val . . . info ]

Summary §

Inspect value at idx and push an object containing Duktape specific internal information about the object. If the value stack index is invalid, pushes an object describing a "none" value.

The result object is not under versioning guarantees so its properties may change even in minor releases (but not patch releases). This is a practical compromise: internals change quite frequently, so the choices are either to make no versioning guarantees or avoid exposing internals at all. As such, calling code should never rely on having a certain set of fields available, and it may be necessary to check DUK_VERSION when interpreting the result fields.

The following table summarizes current properties. Memory byte sizes don't include any heap overhead which may vary between 0-16 bytes (or more) depending on the allocation functions being used.

type Type number matching DUK_TYPE_xxx from duktape.h.
itag Internal type tag matching internal DUK_TAG_xxx defines. Values may change between versions, and are dependent on config options and the memory layout used for tagged values internally.
hptr Heap pointer for a heap-allocated value. Points to the internal Duktape header structure related to the value type. Same value would be returned from duk_get_heapptr().
refc Reference count. Reference counts are not adjusted in any way, and include references to the value caused by the duk_inspect_value() call.
class For objects, internal class number, matches internal DUK_HOBJECT_CLASS_xxx defines.
hbytes Byte size of main heap object allocation. For some values this is the only allocation, other values have additional allocations.
pbytes Byte size of an object's property table. The property table includes a possible array part, a possible hash part, and a key/value entry part.
bcbytes Byte size of ECMAScript function bytecode (instructions, constants). Shared between all instances (closures) of a certain function template.
dbytes Byte size of the current allocation of a dynamic or external buffer. Note that external buffer allocations are not part of the Duktape heap.
esize Object entry part size in elements.
enext Object entry part first free index (= index of next property slot to be used). In practice matches number of own properties for objects that don't have uncompacted deleted keys.
asize Object array part size in elements, zero if no array part or array part has been abandoned (sparse array). May be larger or smaller than the apparent array .length.
hsize Object hash part size in elements.
tstate Internal thread state, matches internal DUK_HTHREAD_STATE_xxx defines.
variant Identifies type variants for certain types. For strings, variant 0 is an ordinary heap allocated string while variant 1 is an external string. For buffers, variant 0 is a fixed buffer, 1 is a dynamic buffer, and 2 is an external buffer.

Example §

duk_inspect_value(ctx, -3);
duk_get_prop_string(ctx, -1, "refc");
printf("refcount of value at -3: %ld\n", (long) duk_to_int(ctx, -1));

.duk_instanceof() 1.3.0 compare §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_instanceof(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx1, duk_idx_t idx2);

Stack §

[ . . . val1 . . . val2 . . . ]

Summary §

Compare values at idx1 and idx2 using the ECMAScript instanceof operator. Returns 1 if val1 instanceof val2, 0 if not. Throws an error if either index is invalid; instanceof itself also throws errors for invalid argument types.

The error throwing behavior for invalid indices differs from the behavior of e.g. duk_equals(), and matches the strictness of instanceof. For example, if rval (idx2) is not a callable object instanceof throws a TypeError. Throwing an error for an invalid index is consistent with instanceof strictness.

Example §

duk_idx_t idx_val;

duk_get_global_string(ctx, "Error");

if (duk_instanceof(ctx, idx_val, -1)) {
    printf("value at idx_val is an instanceof Error\n");

.duk_is_array() 1.0.0 stack §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_is_array(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Returns 1 if value at idx is an object and is an ECMAScript array (has the internal class Array), otherwise returns 0. Also returns 1 if the value is a Proxy wrapping an Array. If idx is invalid, also returns 0.

This function returns 1 when the following ECMAScript expression is true: === '[object Array]'

Example §

if (duk_is_array(ctx, -3)) {
    /* ... */

.duk_is_boolean() 1.0.0 stack §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_is_boolean(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Returns 1 if value at idx is a boolean, otherwise returns 0. If idx is invalid, also returns 0.

Example §

if (duk_is_boolean(ctx, -3)) {
    /* ... */

.duk_is_bound_function() 1.0.0 stack function §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_is_bound_function(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Returns 1 if value at idx is a Function object which has been created with ECMAScript Function.prototype.bind(), otherwise returns 0. If idx is invalid, also returns 0.

Bound functions are an ECMAScript concept: they point to a target function and supply a this binding and zero or more argument bindings. See Function.prototype.bind (thisArg [, arg1 [, arg2, ...]]).

Example §

if (duk_is_bound_function(ctx, -3)) {
    /* ... */

.duk_is_buffer() 1.0.0 stack buffer §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_is_buffer(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Returns 1 if value at idx is a plain buffer, otherwise returns 0. If idx is invalid, also returns 0.

Example §

if (duk_is_buffer(ctx, -3)) {
    /* ... */

.duk_is_buffer_data() 2.0.0 stack bufferobject buffer §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_is_buffer_data(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Returns 1 if value at idx is a plain buffer or any buffer object type, otherwise returns 0. If idx is invalid, also returns 0.

Example §

if (duk_is_buffer_data(ctx, -3)) {
    /* ... */

See also §

.duk_is_c_function() 1.0.0 stack function §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_is_c_function(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Returns 1 if value at idx is a Function object and is associated with a C function (called a "Duktape/C function"), otherwise returns 0. If idx is invalid, also returns 0.

Example §

if (duk_is_c_function(ctx, -3)) {
    /* ... */

.duk_is_callable() 1.0.0 stack §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_is_callable(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Return 1 if value at idx is callable, otherwise returns 0. Also returns 0 if idx is invalid.

Currently this is the same as duk_is_function().

Example §

if (duk_is_callable(ctx, -3)) {
    /* ... */

.duk_is_constructable() 2.2.0 stack §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_is_constructable(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Return 1 if value at idx is constructable, otherwise returns 0. Also returns 0 if idx is invalid.

Example §

if (duk_is_constructable(ctx, -3)) {
    /* ... */

.duk_is_constructor_call() 1.0.0 stack §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_is_constructor_call(duk_context *ctx);

Stack §

(No effect on value stack.)

Summary §

Return non-zero if current function was called as a constructor (new Foo() instead of Foo()); otherwise returns 0.

This call allows a C function to have different behavior for normal and constructor calls (as is the case for many built-in functions).

Example §

if (duk_is_constructor_call(ctx)) {
    printf("called as a constructor\n");
} else {
    printf("called as a normal function\n");

.duk_is_dynamic_buffer() 1.0.0 stack buffer §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_is_dynamic_buffer(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Returns 1 if value at idx is a dynamic buffer, otherwise returns 0. If idx is invalid, also returns 0.

Example §

if (duk_is_dynamic_buffer(ctx, -3)) {
    /* ... */

.duk_is_ecmascript_function() 1.0.0 stack function §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_is_ecmascript_function(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Returns 1 if value at idx is a Function object which has been compiled from ECMAScript source code, otherwise returns 0. If idx is invalid, also returns 0.

Internally ECMAScript functions are compiled into bytecode and executed with the ECMAScript bytecode interpreter.

Example §

if (duk_is_ecmascript_function(ctx, -3)) {
    /* ... */

.duk_is_error() 1.1.0 stack error §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_is_error(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Returns 1 if value at idx inherits from Error, otherwise returns 0. If idx is invalid, also returns 0.

Example §

if (duk_is_error(ctx, -3)) {
    /* Inherits from Error, attempt to print stack trace */
    duk_get_prop_string(ctx, -3, "stack");
    printf("%s\n", duk_safe_to_string(ctx, -1));

.duk_is_eval_error() 1.4.0 stack error §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_is_eval_error(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Returns 1 if value at idx inherits from EvalError, otherwise returns 0. If idx is invalid, also returns 0. This is a convenience call for using duk_get_error_code() == DUK_ERR_EVAL_ERROR.

Example §

if (duk_is_eval_error(ctx, -3)) {
    /* ... */

.duk_is_fixed_buffer() 1.0.0 stack buffer §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_is_fixed_buffer(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Returns 1 if value at idx is a fixed buffer, otherwise returns 0. If idx is invalid, also returns 0.

Example §

if (duk_is_fixed_buffer(ctx, -3)) {
    /* ... */

.duk_is_function() 1.0.0 stack function §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_is_function(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Returns 1 if value at idx is an object and is a function (has the internal class Function), otherwise returns 0. If idx is invalid, also returns 0.

This function returns 1 when the following ECMAScript expression is true: === '[object Function]'

To determine the specific type of the function, use:

Example §

if (duk_is_function(ctx, -3)) {
    /* ... */

.duk_is_lightfunc() stack §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_is_lightfunc(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Returns 1 if value at idx is a lightfunc, otherwise returns 0. If idx is invalid, also returns 0.

Example §

if (duk_is_lightfunc(ctx, -3)) {
    /* ... */

.duk_is_nan() 1.0.0 stack §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_is_nan(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Returns 1 if value at idx is a NaN (a special number value), otherwise returns 0. If idx is invalid, also returns 0.

IEEE doubles have a large number of different NaN values. Duktape may normalize NaN values internally. This function returns 1 for any kind of a NaN.

Example §

if (duk_is_nan(ctx, -3)) {
    /* ... */

.duk_is_null() 1.0.0 stack §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_is_null(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Returns 1 if value at idx is either null, otherwise returns 0. If idx is invalid, also returns 0.

Example §

if (duk_is_null(ctx, -3)) {
    /* ... */

.duk_is_null_or_undefined() 1.0.0 stack §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Returns 1 if value at idx is either null or undefined, otherwise returns 0. If idx is invalid, also returns 0.

This API call is similar to a (x == null) comparison in ECMAScript, which is true for both null and undefined.

Example §

if (duk_is_null_or_undefined(ctx, -3)) {
    /* ... */

.duk_is_number() 1.0.0 stack §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_is_number(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Returns 1 if value at idx is a number, otherwise returns 0. If idx is invalid, also returns 0.

Example §

if (duk_is_number(ctx, -3)) {
    /* ... */

.duk_is_object() 1.0.0 stack object §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_is_object(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Returns 1 if value at idx is an object, otherwise returns 0. If idx is invalid, also returns 0.

Note that many values are considered to be an object, e.g.:

  • ECMAScript object
  • ECMAScript array
  • ECMAScript function
  • Duktape thread (coroutine)
  • Duktape internal objects

Specific object types can be checked with separate API calls, e.g. duk_is_array().

Example §

if (duk_is_object(ctx, -3)) {
    /* ... */

.duk_is_object_coercible() 1.0.0 stack object §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_is_object_coercible(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Returns 1 if value at idx is object coercible, as defined in CheckObjectCoercible, otherwise returns 0. If idx is invalid, also returns 0.

All ECMAScript types are object coercible except undefined and null. The custom buffer and pointer types are object coercible.

Example §

if (duk_is_object_coercible(ctx, -3)) {
    /* ... */

.duk_is_pointer() 1.0.0 stack §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_is_pointer(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Returns 1 if value at idx is a pointer, otherwise returns 0. If idx is invalid, also returns 0.

Example §

if (duk_is_pointer(ctx, -3)) {
    /* ... */

.duk_is_primitive() 1.0.0 stack §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_is_primitive(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Returns 1 if value at idx is a primitive type, as defined in ToPrimitive, otherwise returns 0. If idx is invalid, also returns 0.

Any standard type other than an object is a primitive type. The custom plain pointer type is also considered a primitive type. However, the custom plain buffer type (which behaves like an Uint8Array object in most situations) and lightfunc type (which behaves like a Function object in most situations) are not considered a primitive type. This matches the behavior of duk_to_primitive() which (usually) coerces e.g. a plain buffer to the string [object Uint8Array].

Example §

if (duk_is_primitive(ctx, -3)) {
    /* ... */

.duk_is_range_error() 1.4.0 stack error §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_is_range_error(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Returns 1 if value at idx inherits from RangeError, otherwise returns 0. If idx is invalid, also returns 0. This is a convenience call for using duk_get_error_code() == DUK_ERR_RANGE_ERROR.

Example §

if (duk_is_range_error(ctx, -3)) {
    /* ... */

.duk_is_reference_error() 1.4.0 stack error §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_is_reference_error(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Returns 1 if value at idx inherits from ReferenceError, otherwise returns 0. If idx is invalid, also returns 0. This is a convenience call for using duk_get_error_code() == DUK_ERR_REFERENCE_ERROR.

Example §

if (duk_is_reference_error(ctx, -3)) {
    /* ... */

.duk_is_strict_call() 1.0.0 function §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_is_strict_call(duk_context *ctx);

Stack §

(No effect on value stack.)

Summary §

Check whether the current (Duktape/C) function call is strict or not. Returns 1 if the current function call is strict, 0 otherwise. As of Duktape 0.12.0, this function always returns 1 when called from user code (even if the call stack is empty).

Example §

if (duk_is_strict_call(ctx)) {
    printf("strict call\n");
} else {
    printf("non-strict call\n");

.duk_is_string() 1.0.0 string stack §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_is_string(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Returns 1 if value at idx is a string, otherwise returns 0. If idx is invalid, also returns 0.

Symbol values are visible in the C API as strings so that both duk_is_symbol() and duk_is_string() are true. This behavior is similar to Duktape 1.x internal strings. You can distinguish Symbols from ordinary strings using duk_is_symbol(). For the internal representation, see symbols.rst.

Example §

if (duk_is_string(ctx, -3)) {
    /* ... */

.duk_is_symbol() 2.0.0 symbol string stack §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_is_symbol(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Returns 1 if value at idx is a symbol, otherwise returns 0. If idx is invalid, also returns 0.

Symbol values are visible in the C API as strings so that both duk_is_symbol() and duk_is_string() are true. This behavior is similar to Duktape 1.x internal strings. You can distinguish Symbols from ordinary strings using duk_is_symbol(). For the internal representation, see symbols.rst.

Example §

if (duk_is_symbol(ctx, -3)) {
    /* ... */

.duk_is_syntax_error() 1.4.0 stack error §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_is_syntax_error(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Returns 1 if value at idx inherits from SyntaxError, otherwise returns 0. If idx is invalid, also returns 0. This is a convenience call for using duk_get_error_code() == DUK_ERR_SYNTAX_ERROR.

Example §

if (duk_is_syntax_error(ctx, -3)) {
    /* ... */

.duk_is_thread() 1.0.0 thread stack §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_is_thread(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Returns 1 if value at idx is an object and is a Duktape thread (coroutine), otherwise returns 0. If idx is invalid, also returns 0.

Example §

if (duk_is_thread(ctx, -3)) {
    /* ... */

.duk_is_type_error() 1.4.0 stack error §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_is_type_error(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Returns 1 if value at idx inherits from TypeError, otherwise returns 0. If idx is invalid, also returns 0. This is a convenience call for using duk_get_error_code() == DUK_ERR_TYPE_ERROR.

Example §

if (duk_is_type_error(ctx, -3)) {
    /* ... */

.duk_is_undefined() 1.0.0 stack §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_is_undefined(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Returns 1 if value at idx is either undefined, otherwise returns 0. If idx is invalid, also returns 0.

Example §

if (duk_is_undefined(ctx, -3)) {
    /* ... */

.duk_is_uri_error() 1.4.0 stack error §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_is_uri_error(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Returns 1 if value at idx inherits from URIError, otherwise returns 0. If idx is invalid, also returns 0. This is a convenience call for using duk_get_error_code() == DUK_ERR_URI_ERROR.

Example §

if (duk_is_uri_error(ctx, -3)) {
    /* ... */

.duk_is_valid_index() 1.0.0 stack §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_is_valid_index(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Validate argument index, return 1 if index is valid, 0 otherwise.

Example §

if (duk_is_valid_index(ctx, -3)) {
    printf("index -3 is valid\n");
} else {
    printf("index -3 is not valid\n");

.duk_join() 1.0.0 string §

Prototype §

void duk_join(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t count);

Stack §

[ . . . sep val1 . . . valN ] [ . . . result ]

Summary §

Join zero or more values into a result string with a separator between each value. The separator and the input values are automatically coerced with ToString().

This primitive minimizes the number of intermediate string interning operations and is better than joining strings manually.

Example §

duk_push_string(ctx, "; ");
duk_push_string(ctx, "foo");
duk_push_int(ctx, 123);
duk_join(ctx, 3);

printf("result: %s\n", duk_get_string(ctx, -1));  /* "foo; 123; true" */

See also §

.duk_json_decode() 1.0.0 json codec §

Prototype §

void duk_json_decode(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . json_val . . . ] [ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Decodes an arbitrary JSON value as an in-place operation. If the input is invalid, throws an error.

Example §

duk_push_string(ctx, "{\"meaningOfLife\":42}");
duk_json_decode(ctx, -1);
duk_get_prop_string(ctx, -1, "meaningOfLife");
printf("JSON decoded meaningOfLife is: %s\n", duk_to_string(ctx, -1));

/* Output:
 * JSON decoded meaningOfLife is: 42

See also §

.duk_json_encode() 1.0.0 json codec §

Prototype §

const char *duk_json_encode(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ] [ . . . json_val . . . ]

Summary §

Encodes an arbitrary value into its JSON representation as an in-place operation. Returns pointer to the resulting string for convenience.

Example §

duk_push_int(ctx, 42);
duk_put_prop_string(ctx, -2, "meaningOfLife");
printf("JSON encoded: %s\n", duk_json_encode(ctx, -1));

/* Output:
 * JSON encoded: {"meaningOfLife":42}

See also §

.duk_load_function() 1.3.0 stack bytecode §

Prototype §

void duk_load_function(duk_context *ctx);

Stack §

[ . . . bytecode ] [ . . . function ]

Summary §

Load a buffer containing bytecode, recreating the original ECMAScript function (with some limitations). You must ensure that the bytecode has been dumped with a compatible Duktape version and that the bytecode has not been modified since. Loading bytecode from an untrusted source is memory unsafe and may lead to exploitable vulnerabilities.

For more information on Duktape bytecode dump/load, supported features, and known limitations, see bytecode.rst. Duktape bytecode format is not intended for obfuscation, see notes on Obfuscation.

Example §

duk_eval_string(ctx, "(function helloWorld() { print('hello world'); })");
/* stack top now contains a buffer containing helloWorld bytecode */

duk_load_function(ctx);  /* [ ... bytecode ] -> [ ... function ] */
duk_call(ctx, 0);

.duk_map_string() 1.0.0 string §

Prototype §

void duk_map_string(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx, duk_map_char_function callback, void *udata);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ] [ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Process string at idx, calling callback for each codepoint of the string. The callback is given the udata argument and a codepoint and returns a replacement codepoint. If successful, a new string consisting of the replacement codepoints replaces the original. If the value is not a string or the index is invalid, throws an error.

Example §

static duk_codepoint_t map_char(void *udata, duk_codepoint_t codepoint) {
    /* Convert ASCII to uppercase. */
    if (codepoint >= (duk_codepoint_t) 'a' && codepoint <= (duk_codepoint_t) 'z') {
        return codepoint - (duk_codepoint_t) 'a' + (duk_codepoint_t) 'A';
    return codepoint;

duk_push_string(ctx, "test_string");
duk_map_string(ctx, -1, map_char, NULL);
printf("result: %s\n", duk_to_string(ctx, -1));

.duk_new() 1.0.0 object call §

Prototype §

void duk_new(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t nargs);

Stack §

[ . . . constructor arg1 . . . argN ] [ . . . retval ]

Summary §

Call a constructor function with nargs arguments (not counting the function itself). The function and its arguments are replaced by a single return value. An error thrown during the constructor call is not automatically caught.

The target function this binding is set to a freshly created empty object. If constructor.prototype is an object, the internal prototype of the new object is set to that value; otherwise the standard built-in Object prototype is used as the internal prototype. The return value of the target function determines what the result of the constructor call is. If the constructor returns an object, it replaces the fresh empty object; otherwise the fresh empty object (possibly modified by the constructor) is returned. See [[Construct]].

Example §

/* Assume target function is already on stack at func_idx.
 * Equivalent to ECMAScript 'new func("foo", 123)'.
duk_idx_t func_idx = /* ... */;

duk_dup(ctx, func_idx);
duk_push_string(ctx, "foo");
duk_push_int(ctx, 123);
duk_new(ctx, 2);  /* [ ... func "foo" 123 ] -> [ ... res ] */
printf("result is object: %d\n", (int) duk_is_object(ctx, -1));

See also §

.duk_next() 1.0.0 property object §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_next(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t enum_idx, duk_bool_t get_value);

Stack §

[ . . . enum . . . ] [ . . . enum . . . ] (if enum empty; function returns zero)
[ . . . enum . . . ] [ . . . enum . . . key ] (if enum not empty and get_value == 0; function returns non-zero)
[ . . . enum . . . ] [ . . . enum . . . key value ] (if enum not empty and get_value != 0; function returns non-zero)

Summary §

Get the next key (and optionally value) from an enumerator created with duk_enum(). If the enumeration has been exhausted, nothing is pushed to the stack and the function returns zero. Otherwise the key is pushed to the stack, followed by the value if get_value is non-zero, and the function returns non-zero.

Note that getting the value may invoke a getter or trigger a Proxy trap which may have arbitrary side effects (and may throw an error).

Example §

while (duk_next(ctx, enum_idx, 1)) {
    printf("key=%s, value=%s\n", duk_to_string(ctx, -2), duk_to_string(ctx, -1));

See also §

.duk_normalize_index() 1.0.0 stack §

Prototype §

duk_idx_t duk_normalize_index(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Normalize argument index relative to the bottom of the current frame. The resulting index will be 0 or greater and will be independent of later stack modifications. If the input index is invalid, returns DUK_INVALID_INDEX. If you prefer that an error be thrown for an invalid index, use duk_require_normalize_index().

Example §

duk_idx_t idx = duk_normalize_index(ctx, -3);

.duk_opt_boolean() 2.1.0 stack §

Prototype §

duk_bool_t duk_opt_boolean(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx, duk_bool_t def_value);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Get the boolean value at idx without modifying or coercing the value. Returns 1 if the value is true, 0 if the value is false. If the value is undefined or the index is invalid, def_value default value is returned. In other cases (null or non-matching type) throws an error.

Example §

duk_bool_t flag_xyz = duk_opt_boolean(ctx, 2, 1);  /* default: true */

.duk_opt_buffer() 2.1.0 stack buffer §

Prototype §

void *duk_opt_buffer(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx, duk_size_t *out_size, void *def_ptr, duk_size_t def_len);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Get the data pointer for a (plain) buffer value at idx without modifying or coercing the value. Returns a non-NULL pointer if the value is a valid buffer with a non-zero size. For a zero-size buffer, may return a NULL or a non-NULL pointer. If out_size is non-NULL, the size of the buffer is written to *out_size. If the value is undefined or the index is invalid, def_ptr default value is returned and the def_len default length is written to *out_size (if out_size is non-NULL). In other cases (null and non-matching type) throws an error.

Default pointer values given to duk_opt_xxx() and duk_get_xxx_default() are not tracked by Duktape, e.g. duk_opt_string() does not make a copy of the default string argument. The caller is responsible for ensuring that the default pointer remains valid for its intended use. For example, duk_opt_string(ctx, 3, "localhost") works fine because a string constant is always valid, but if the argument is a libc allocated string, caller must ensure the pointer returned from duk_opt_string() is not used beyond the lifetime of the libc allocated string.
There is no reliable way to distinguish a zero-size buffer from a non-buffer based on the return values alone: a NULL with zero size is returned for a non-buffer. The same values may be returned for a zero-size buffer (although it is also possible that a non-NULL pointer is returned). Use duk_is_buffer() or duk_is_buffer_data() or when type checking a buffer or a buffer object.

Example §

void *ptr;
duk_size_t sz;
char buf[256];

/* Use a buffer given at index 2, or default to 'buf'. */
ptr = duk_opt_buffer(ctx, 2, &sz, (void *) buf, sizeof(buf));
printf("buf=%p, size=%lu\n", ptr, (unsigned long) sz);

.duk_opt_buffer_data() 2.1.0 stack bufferobject buffer §

Prototype §

void *duk_opt_buffer_data(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx, duk_size_t *out_size, void *def_ptr, duk_size_t def_len);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Get the data pointer for a plain buffer or a buffer object (ArrayBuffer, Node.js Buffer, DataView, or TypedArray view) value at idx without modifying or coercing the value. Return a non-NULL pointer if the value is a valid buffer with a non-zero size. For a zero-size buffer, may return a NULL or a non-NULL pointer. If out_size is non-NULL, the size of the buffer is written to *out_size. If the value is undefined or the index is invalid, def_ptr default value is returned and the def_len default length is written to *out_size (if out_size is non-NULL). In other cases (null and non-matching type) throws an error. Also throws if the value is a buffer object whose "backing buffer" doesn't fully cover the buffer object's apparent size.

The data area indicated by the return pointer and length is the full buffer for a plain buffer value, and the active "slice" for a buffer object. The length returned is expressed in bytes (instead of elements), so that you can always access ptr[0] to ptr[len - 1]. See duk_get_buffer_data() for examples.

Default pointer values given to duk_opt_xxx() and duk_get_xxx_default() are not tracked by Duktape, e.g. duk_opt_string() does not make a copy of the default string argument. The caller is responsible for ensuring that the default pointer remains valid for its intended use. For example, duk_opt_string(ctx, 3, "localhost") works fine because a string constant is always valid, but if the argument is a libc allocated string, caller must ensure the pointer returned from duk_opt_string() is not used beyond the lifetime of the libc allocated string.

Example §

void *ptr;
duk_size_t sz;
char buf[256];

/* Use a buffer or buffer object given at index 2, or default to 'buf'. */
ptr = duk_opt_buffer_data(ctx, 2, &sz, (void *) buf, sizeof(buf));

See also §

.duk_opt_c_function() 2.1.0 stack function §

Prototype §

duk_c_function duk_opt_c_function(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx, duk_c_function def_value);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Get the Duktape/C function pointer (a duk_c_function) from an ECMAScript function object associated with a Duktape/C function. If the value is undefined or the index is invalid, def_value default value is returned. In other cases (null or non-matching type) throws an error.

Example §

duk_c_function funcptr;

/* Native callback, default to nop_callback. */
funcptr = duk_opt_c_function(ctx, -3, nop_callback);

.duk_opt_context() 2.1.0 stack borrowed §

Prototype §

duk_context *duk_opt_context(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx, duk_context *def_value);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Get a context pointer for a Duktape thread at idx. If the value is undefined or the index is invalid, def_value default value is returned. In other cases (null or non-matching type) throws an error.

Default pointer values given to duk_opt_xxx() and duk_get_xxx_default() are not tracked by Duktape, e.g. duk_opt_string() does not make a copy of the default string argument. The caller is responsible for ensuring that the default pointer remains valid for its intended use. For example, duk_opt_string(ctx, 3, "localhost") works fine because a string constant is always valid, but if the argument is a libc allocated string, caller must ensure the pointer returned from duk_opt_string() is not used beyond the lifetime of the libc allocated string.

Example §

duk_context *target_ctx;

target_ctx = duk_opt_context(ctx, 2, default_ctx);

.duk_opt_heapptr() 2.1.0 stack heapptr borrowed §

Prototype §

void *duk_opt_heapptr(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx, void *def_value);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Get a borrowed void * reference to a Duktape heap allocated value (object, buffer, string) at idx. If the value is undefined or the index is invalid, def_value default value is returned. In other cases (null or non-matching type) throws an error.

Default pointer values given to duk_opt_xxx() and duk_get_xxx_default() are not tracked by Duktape, e.g. duk_opt_string() does not make a copy of the default string argument. The caller is responsible for ensuring that the default pointer remains valid for its intended use. For example, duk_opt_string(ctx, 3, "localhost") works fine because a string constant is always valid, but if the argument is a libc allocated string, caller must ensure the pointer returned from duk_opt_string() is not used beyond the lifetime of the libc allocated string.

Example §

void *ptr;

ptr = duk_opt_heapptr(ctx, 2, default_ptr);

.duk_opt_int() 2.1.0 stack §

Prototype §

duk_int_t duk_opt_int(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx, duk_int_t def_value);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Get the number at idx and convert it to a C duk_int_t by first clamping the value between [DUK_INT_MIN, DUK_INT_MAX] and then truncating towards zero. The value on the stack is not modified. If the value is undefined or the index is invalid, def_value default value is returned. In other cases (null or non-matching type) throws an error.

Example §

int port = (int) duk_opt_int(ctx, 1, 80);  /* default: 80 */

.duk_opt_lstring() 2.1.0 string stack §

Prototype §

const char *duk_opt_lstring(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx, duk_size_t *out_len, const char *def_ptr, duk_size_t def_len);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Get character data pointer and length for a string at idx without modifying or coercing the value. Returns a non-NULL pointer to the read-only, NUL-terminated string data, and writes the string byte length to *out_len (if out_len is non-NULL). If the value is undefined or the index is invalid, def_ptr default value is returned and the def_len default length is written to *out_len (if out_len is non-NULL). In other cases (null or non-matching type) throws an error.

A non-NULL return value is guaranteed even for zero length strings; this differs from how buffer data pointers are handled (for technical reasons).
Default pointer values given to duk_opt_xxx() and duk_get_xxx_default() are not tracked by Duktape, e.g. duk_opt_string() does not make a copy of the default string argument. The caller is responsible for ensuring that the default pointer remains valid for its intended use. For example, duk_opt_string(ctx, 3, "localhost") works fine because a string constant is always valid, but if the argument is a libc allocated string, caller must ensure the pointer returned from duk_opt_string() is not used beyond the lifetime of the libc allocated string.

Example §

const char *str;
duk_size_t len;

str = duk_opt_lstring(ctx, -3, &len, "foo" "\x00" "bar", 7);

See also §

.duk_opt_number() 2.1.0 stack §

Prototype §

duk_double_t duk_opt_number(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx, duk_double_t def_value);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Get the number value at idx without modifying or coercing the value. If the value is undefined or the index is invalid, def_value default value is returned. In other cases (null or non-matching type) throws an error.

Example §

double backoff_multiplier = (double) duk_opt_number(ctx, 2, 1.5);  /* default: 1.5 */

.duk_opt_pointer() 2.1.0 stack §

Prototype §

void *duk_opt_pointer(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx, void *def_value);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Get the pointer value at idx as void * without modifying or coercing the value. If the value is undefined or the index is invalid, def_value default value is returned. In other cases (null or non-matching type) throws an error.

Example §

void *ptr;

ptr = duk_opt_pointer(ctx, -3, (void *) 0x12345678);
printf("my pointer is: %p\n", ptr);

.duk_opt_string() 2.1.0 string stack §

Prototype §

const char *duk_opt_string(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx, const char *def_ptr);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Get character data pointer for a string at idx without modifying or coercing the value. Returns a non-NULL pointer to the read-only, NUL-terminated string data. If the value is undefined or the index is invalid, def_ptr default value is returned. In other cases (null or non-matching type) throws an error.

To get the string byte length explicitly (which is useful if the string contains embedded NUL characters), use duk_opt_lstring().

A non-NULL return value is guaranteed even for zero length strings; this differs from how buffer data pointers are handled (for technical reasons).
Default pointer values given to duk_opt_xxx() and duk_get_xxx_default() are not tracked by Duktape, e.g. duk_opt_string() does not make a copy of the default string argument. The caller is responsible for ensuring that the default pointer remains valid for its intended use. For example, duk_opt_string(ctx, 3, "localhost") works fine because a string constant is always valid, but if the argument is a libc allocated string, caller must ensure the pointer returned from duk_opt_string() is not used beyond the lifetime of the libc allocated string.
Symbol values are visible in the C API as strings so that both duk_is_symbol() and duk_is_string() are true. This behavior is similar to Duktape 1.x internal strings. You can distinguish Symbols from ordinary strings using duk_is_symbol(). For the internal representation, see symbols.rst.

Example §

const char *host = duk_opt_string(ctx, 3, "localhost");

See also §

.duk_opt_uint() 2.1.0 stack §

Prototype §

duk_uint_t duk_opt_uint(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx, duk_uint_t def_value);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ]

Summary §

Get the number at idx and convert it to a C duk_uint_t by first clamping the value between [0, DUK_UINT_MAX] and then truncating towards zero. The value on the stack is not modified. If the value is undefined or the index is invalid, def_value default value is returned. In other cases (null or non-matching type) throws an error.

Example §

unsigned int count = (unsigned int) duk_opt_uint(ctx, 1, 3);  /* default: 3 */

.duk_pcall() 1.0.0 protected call §

Prototype §

duk_int_t duk_pcall(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t nargs);

Stack §

[ . . . func arg1 . . . argN ] [ . . . retval ] (if success, return value == 0)
[ . . . func arg1 . . . argN ] [ . . . err ] (if failure, return value != 0)

Summary §

Call target function func with nargs arguments (not counting the function itself). The function and its arguments are replaced by a single return value or a single error value. An error thrown during the function call is caught.

The return value is:

  • DUK_EXEC_SUCCESS (0): call succeeded, nargs arguments are replaced with a single return value. (This return code constant is guaranteed to be zero, so that one can check for success with a "zero or non-zero" check.)
  • DUK_EXEC_ERROR: call failed, nargs arguments are replaced with a single error value. (In exceptional cases, e.g. when there are too few arguments on the value stack, the call may throw.)
Unlike most Duktape API calls, this call returns zero on success. This allows multiple error codes to be defined later.

Error objects caught are typically instances of Error and have useful properties like .stack, .fileName, and .lineNumber. These can be accessed using the normal property methods. However, arbitrary values can be thrown so you should avoid assuming that's always the case.

The target function this binding is initially set to undefined. If the target function is not strict, the binding is replaced by the global object before the function is invoked; see Entering Function Code. If you want to control the this binding, you can use duk_pcall_method() or duk_pcall_prop() instead.

Example §

/* Assume target function is already on stack at func_idx; the target
 * function adds arguments and returns the result.

duk_idx_t func_idx;
duk_int_t rc;

/* Basic example: function call and duk_safe_to_string() error print. */

duk_dup(ctx, func_idx);
duk_push_int(ctx, 2);
duk_push_int(ctx, 3);
rc = duk_pcall(ctx, 2);  /* [ ... func 2 3 ] -> [ 5 ] */
if (rc == DUK_EXEC_SUCCESS) {
    printf("2+3=%ld\n", (long) duk_get_int(ctx, -1));
} else {
    /* Coercing with duk_safe_to_string() is a useful default, but you can
     * also look up e.g. the .stack property of the error.
    printf("error: %s\n", duk_safe_to_string(ctx, -1));

/* Accessing .stack to print a stack trace if the value caught is an
 * Error instance.

duk_dup(ctx, func_idx);
duk_push_int(ctx, 2);
duk_push_int(ctx, 3);
rc = duk_pcall(ctx, 2);  /* [ ... func 2 3 ] -> [ 5 ] */
if (rc == DUK_EXEC_SUCCESS) {
    printf("2+3=%ld\n", (long) duk_get_int(ctx, -1));
} else {
    if (duk_is_error(ctx, -1)) {
        /* Accessing .stack might cause an error to be thrown, so wrap this
         * access in a duk_safe_call() if it matters.
        duk_get_prop_string(ctx, -1, "stack");
        printf("error: %s\n", duk_safe_to_string(ctx, -1));
    } else {
        /* Non-Error value, coerce safely to string. */
        printf("error: %s\n", duk_safe_to_string(ctx, -1));

.duk_pcall_method() 1.0.0 protected call §

Prototype §

duk_int_t duk_pcall_method(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t nargs);

Stack §

[ . . . func this arg . . . argN ] [ . . . retval ] (if success, return value == 0)
[ . . . func this arg . . . argN ] [ . . . err ] (if failure, return value != 0)

Summary §

Like duk_pcall(), but the target function func is called with an explicit this binding given on the value stack.

Example §

/* The target function here prints:
 *    this: 123
 *    2 3
 * and returns 5.

duk_int_t rc;

duk_push_string(ctx, "(function(x,y) { print('this:', this); "
                     "print(x,y); return x+y; })");
duk_eval(ctx);  /* -> [ ... func ] */
duk_push_int(ctx, 123);
duk_push_int(ctx, 2);
duk_push_int(ctx, 3);
rc = duk_pcall_method(ctx, 2);  /* [ ... func 123 2 3 ] -> [ 5 ] */
if (rc == DUK_EXEC_SUCCESS) {
    printf("2+3=%ld\n", (long) duk_get_int(ctx, -1));  /* prints 5 */
} else {
    printf("error: %s\n", duk_to_string(ctx, -1));

.duk_pcall_prop() 1.0.0 protected property call §

Prototype §

duk_int_t duk_pcall_prop(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t obj_idx, duk_idx_t nargs);

Stack §

[ . . . obj . . . key arg1 . . . argN ] [ . . . obj . . . retval ] (if success, return value == 0)
[ . . . obj . . . key arg1 . . . argN ] [ . . . obj . . . err ] (if failure, return value != 0)

Summary §

Like duk_pcall(), but the target function is looked up from obj.key and obj is used as the function's this binding.

Example §

/* obj.myAdderMethod(2,3) -> 5 */
duk_idx_t obj_idx;
duk_int_t rc;

duk_push_string(ctx, "myAdderMethod");
duk_push_int(ctx, 2);
duk_push_int(ctx, 3);
rc = duk_pcall_prop(ctx, obj_idx, 2);  /* [ ... "myAdderMethod" 2 3 ] -> [ ... 5 ] */
if (rc == DUK_EXEC_SUCCESS) {
    printf("2+3=%ld\n", (long) duk_get_int(ctx, -1));
} else {
    printf("error: %s\n", duk_to_string(ctx, -1));

.duk_pcompile() 1.0.0 protected compile §

Prototype §

duk_int_t duk_pcompile(duk_context *ctx, duk_uint_t flags);

Stack §

[ . . . source filename ] [ . . . function ] (if success, return value == 0)
[ . . . source filename ] [ . . . err ] (if failure, return value != 0)

Summary §

Like duk_compile() but catches errors related to compilation (such as syntax errors in the source). A zero return value indicates success and the compiled function is left on the stack top. A non-zero return value indicates an error, and the error is left on the stack top.

If value stack top is too low (smaller than 2), an error is thrown.

Example §

duk_push_string(ctx, "print('program'); syntax error here=");
duk_push_string(ctx, "hello-with-syntax-error");
if (duk_pcompile(ctx, 0) != 0) {
    printf("compile failed: %s\n", duk_safe_to_string(ctx, -1));
} else {
    duk_call(ctx, 0);      /* [ func ] -> [ result ] */
    printf("program result: %s\n", duk_safe_to_string(ctx, -1));

.duk_pcompile_lstring() 1.0.0 string protected compile §

Prototype §

duk_int_t duk_pcompile_lstring(duk_context *ctx, duk_uint_t flags, const char *src, duk_size_t len);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . function ] (if success, return value == 0)
[ . . . ] [ . . . err ] (if failure, return value != 0)

Summary §

Like duk_pcompile(), but the compile input is given as a C string with explicit length. The filename associated with the function is "input".

With this variant, the input source code is not interned by Duktape which is useful in low memory environments.

Example §

const char *src = /* ... */;
duk_size_t len = /* ... */;

if (duk_pcompile_lstring(ctx, 0, src, len) != 0) {
    printf("compile failed: %s\n", duk_safe_to_string(ctx, -1));
} else {
    duk_call(ctx, 0);      /* [ func ] -> [ result ] */
    printf("program result: %s\n", duk_safe_to_string(ctx, -1));

.duk_pcompile_lstring_filename() 1.0.0 string protected compile §

Prototype §

duk_int_t duk_pcompile_lstring_filename(duk_context *ctx, duk_uint_t flags, const char *src, duk_size_t len);

Stack §

[ . . . filename ] [ . . . function ] (if success, return value == 0)
[ . . . filename ] [ . . . err ] (if failure, return value != 0)

Summary §

Like duk_pcompile(), but the compile input is given as a C string with explicit length.

With this variant, the input source code is not interned by Duktape which is useful in low memory environments.

Example §

const char *src = /* ... */;
duk_size_t len = /* ... */;

duk_push_string(ctx, "myFile.js");
if (duk_pcompile_lstring_filename(ctx, 0, src, len) != 0) {
    printf("compile failed: %s\n", duk_safe_to_string(ctx, -1));
} else {
    duk_call(ctx, 0);      /* [ func ] -> [ result ] */
    printf("program result: %s\n", duk_safe_to_string(ctx, -1));

.duk_pcompile_string() 1.0.0 string protected compile §

Prototype §

duk_int_t duk_pcompile_string(duk_context *ctx, duk_uint_t flags, const char *src);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . function ] (if success, return value == 0)
[ . . . ] [ . . . err ] (if failure, return value != 0)

Summary §

Like duk_pcompile(), but the compile input is given as a C string. The filename associated with the function is "input".

With this variant, the input source code is not interned by Duktape which is useful in low memory environments.

Example §

if (duk_pcompile_string(ctx, 0, "print('program code'); syntax error here=") != 0) {
    printf("compile failed: %s\n", duk_safe_to_string(ctx, -1));
} else {
    duk_call(ctx, 0);      /* [ func ] -> [ result ] */
    printf("program result: %s\n", duk_safe_to_string(ctx, -1));

.duk_pcompile_string_filename() 1.0.0 string protected compile §

Prototype §

duk_int_t duk_pcompile_string_filename(duk_context *ctx, duk_uint_t flags, const char *src);

Stack §

[ . . . filename ] [ . . . function ] (if success, return value == 0)
[ . . . filename ] [ . . . err ] (if failure, return value != 0)

Summary §

Like duk_pcompile(), but the compile input is given as a C string.

With this variant, the input source code is not interned by Duktape which is useful in low memory environments.

Example §

duk_push_string(ctx, "myFile.js");
if (duk_pcompile_string_filename(ctx, 0, "print('program code'); syntax error here=") != 0) {
    printf("compile failed: %s\n", duk_safe_to_string(ctx, -1));
} else {
    duk_call(ctx, 0);      /* [ func ] -> [ result ] */
    printf("program result: %s\n", duk_safe_to_string(ctx, -1));

.duk_peval() 1.0.0 protected compile §

Prototype §

duk_int_t duk_peval(duk_context *ctx);

Stack §

[ . . . source ] [ . . . result ] (if success, return value == 0)
[ . . . source ] [ . . . err ] (if failure, return value != 0)

Summary §

Like duk_eval() but catches errors related to compilation (such as syntax errors in the source). A zero return value indicates success and the eval result is left on the stack top. A non-zero return value indicates an error, and the error is left on the stack top.

If value stack top is too low (smaller than 1), an error is thrown.

Example §

duk_push_string(ctx, "print('Hello world!'); syntax error here=");
if (duk_peval(ctx) != 0) {
    printf("eval failed: %s\n", duk_safe_to_string(ctx, -1));
} else {
    printf("result is: %s\n", duk_safe_to_string(ctx, -1));

.duk_peval_lstring() 1.0.0 string protected compile §

Prototype §

duk_int_t duk_peval_lstring(duk_context *ctx, const char *src, duk_size_t len);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . result ] (if success, return value == 0)
[ . . . ] [ . . . err ] (if failure, return value != 0)

Summary §

Like duk_peval(), but the eval input is given as a C string with explicit length. The filename associated with the temporary eval function is "eval".

With this variant, the input source code is not interned by Duktape which is useful in low memory environments.

Example §

const char *src = /* ... */;
duk_size_t len = /* ... */;

if (duk_peval_lstring(ctx, src, len) != 0) {
    printf("eval failed: %s\n", duk_safe_to_string(ctx, -1));
} else {
    printf("result is: %s\n", duk_get_string(ctx, -1));

.duk_peval_lstring_noresult() 1.0.0 string protected compile §

Prototype §

duk_int_t duk_peval_lstring_noresult(duk_context *ctx, const char *src, duk_size_t len);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . ]

Summary §

Like duk_peval_lstring(), but leaves no result on the value stack (regardless of success/error result).

With this variant, the input source code is not interned by Duktape which is useful in low memory environments.

Example §

const char *src = /* ... */;
duk_size_t len = /* ... */;

if (duk_peval_lstring_noresult(ctx, src, len) != 0) {
    printf("eval failed\n");
} else {
    printf("eval successful\n");

.duk_peval_noresult() 1.0.0 protected compile §

Prototype §

duk_int_t duk_peval_noresult(duk_context *ctx);

Stack §

[ . . . source ] [ . . . ]

Summary §

Like duk_peval() but leaves no result on the value stack (regardless of success/error result).

Example §

duk_push_string(ctx, "print('Hello world!'); syntax error here=");
if (duk_peval_noresult(ctx) != 0) {
    printf("eval failed\n");
} else {
    printf("eval successful\n");

.duk_peval_string() 1.0.0 string protected compile §

Prototype §

duk_int_t duk_peval_string(duk_context *ctx, const char *src);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . result ] (if success, return value == 0)
[ . . . ] [ . . . err ] (if failure, return value != 0)

Summary §

Like duk_peval(), but the eval input is given as a C string. The filename associated with the temporary eval function is "eval".

With this variant, the input source code is not interned by Duktape which is useful in low memory environments.

Example §

if (duk_peval_string(ctx, "'testString'.toUpperCase()") != 0) {
    printf("eval failed: %s\n", duk_safe_to_string(ctx, -1));
} else {
    printf("result is: %s\n", duk_get_string(ctx, -1));

.duk_peval_string_noresult() 1.0.0 string protected compile §

Prototype §

duk_int_t duk_peval_string_noresult(duk_context *ctx, const char *src);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . ]

Summary §

Like duk_peval_string(), but leaves no result on the value stack (regardless of success/error result).

With this variant, the input source code is not interned by Duktape which is useful in low memory environments.

Example §

if (duk_peval_string_noresult(ctx, "print('testString'.toUpperCase());") != 0) {
    printf("eval failed\n");
} else {
    printf("eval successful\n");

.duk_pnew() 1.3.0 protected object call §

Prototype §

duk_ret_t duk_pnew(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t nargs);

Stack §

[ . . . constructor arg1 . . . argN ] [ . . . retval ] (if success, return value == 0)
[ . . . constructor arg1 . . . argN ] [ . . . err ] (if failure, return value != 0)

Summary §

Like duk_new() but catches errors. A zero return value indicates success and the constructor result is left on the stack top. A non-zero return value indicates an error, and the error is left on the stack top.

If value stack top is too low (smaller than nargs + 1), or nargs is negative, an error is thrown.

Example §

duk_ret_t rc;

/* Protected call to: new MyConstructor("foo", 123) */
duk_eval_string(ctx, "MyConstructor");
duk_push_string(ctx, "foo");
duk_push_int(ctx, 123);
rc = duk_pnew(ctx, 2);  /* [ ... func "foo" 123 ] -> [ ... res ] */
if (rc != 0) {
    printf("failed: %s\n", duk_safe_to_string(ctx, -1));
} else {

See also §

.duk_pop() 1.0.0 stack §

Prototype §

void duk_pop(duk_context *ctx);

Stack §

[ . . . val ] [ . . . ]

Summary §

Pop one element off the stack. If the stack is empty, throws an error.

To pop multiple elements, use duk_pop_n() or the shortcuts for common cases: duk_pop_2() and duk_pop_3().

Example §


.duk_pop_2() 1.0.0 stack §

Prototype §

void duk_pop_2(duk_context *ctx);

Stack §

[ . . . val1 val2 ] [ . . . ]

Summary §

Pop two elements off the stack. If the stack has fewer than two elements, throws an error.

Example §


.duk_pop_3() 1.0.0 stack §

Prototype §

void duk_pop_3(duk_context *ctx);

Stack §

[ . . . val1 val2 val3 ] [ . . . ]

Summary §

Pop three elements off the stack. If the stack has fewer than three elements, throws an error.

Example §


.duk_pop_n() 1.0.0 stack §

Prototype §

void duk_pop_n(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t count);

Stack §

[ . . . val1 . . . valN ] [ . . . ]

Summary §

Pop count elements off the stack. If the stack has fewer than count elements, throws an error. If count is zero, the call is a no-op. Negative counts cause an error to be thrown.

Example §

duk_pop_n(ctx, 10);

.duk_pull() 2.5.0 stack §

Prototype §

void duk_pull(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t from_idx);

Stack §

[ . . . val . . . ] [ . . . . . . val ]

Summary §

Remove value at from_idx and push it on the value stack top.

If from_idx is an invalid index, throws an error.

Example §

duk_push_int(ctx, 123);
duk_push_int(ctx, 234);
duk_push_int(ctx, 345);       /* -> [ 123 234 345 ] */
duk_pull(ctx, -2);            /* [ 123 234 345 ] -> [ 123 345 234 ] */

.duk_push_array() 1.0.0 stack object §

Prototype §

duk_idx_t duk_push_array(duk_context *ctx);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . arr ]

Summary §

Push an empty array to the stack. Returns non-negative index (relative to stack bottom) of the pushed array.

The internal prototype of the created object is Array.prototype. Use duk_set_prototype() to change it.

Example §

duk_idx_t arr_idx;

arr_idx = duk_push_array(ctx);
duk_push_string(ctx, "foo");
duk_put_prop_index(ctx, arr_idx, 0);
duk_push_string(ctx, "bar");
duk_put_prop_index(ctx, arr_idx, 1);

/* array is now: [ "foo", "bar" ], and array.length is 2 (automatically
 * updated for ECMAScript arrays).

duk_pop(ctx);  /* pop array */

.duk_push_bare_array() 2.4.0 stack object §

Prototype §

duk_idx_t duk_push_bare_array(duk_context *ctx);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . arr ]

Summary §

Similar to duk_push_array() but the pushed array doesn't inherit from any other object, i.e. its internal prototype is null. Returns non-negative index (relative to stack bottom) of the pushed array.

Example §

duk_idx_t arr_idx;

arr_idx = duk_push_bare_array(ctx);

.duk_push_bare_object() 2.0.0 stack object §

Prototype §

duk_idx_t duk_push_bare_object(duk_context *ctx);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . obj ]

Summary §

Similar to duk_push_object() but the pushed object doesn't inherit from any other object, i.e. its internal prototype is null. This call is equivalent to Object.create(null). Returns non-negative index (relative to stack bottom) of the pushed object.

Example §

duk_idx_t obj_idx;

obj_idx = duk_push_bare_object(ctx);

.duk_push_boolean() 1.0.0 stack §

Prototype §

void duk_push_boolean(duk_context *ctx, duk_bool_t val);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . true ] (if val != 0)
[ . . . ] [ . . . false ] (if val == 0)

Summary §

Push true (if val != 0) or false (if val == 0) to the stack.

Example §

duk_push_boolean(ctx, 0);  /* -> [ ... false ] */
duk_push_boolean(ctx, 1);  /* -> [ ... false true ] */
duk_push_boolean(ctx, 123);  /* -> [ ... false true true ] */

.duk_push_buffer() 1.0.0 stack buffer §

Prototype §

void *duk_push_buffer(duk_context *ctx, duk_size_t size, duk_bool_t dynamic);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . buf ]

Summary §

Allocate a new buffer of size bytes and push it to the value stack. Returns a non-NULL pointer to the buffer data area; for a zero-size buffer, may return either NULL or non-NULL. The buffer data area is automatically zeroed. If dynamic is non-zero, the buffer will be resizable, otherwise the buffer will have a fixed size. Throws an error if allocation fails.

There are also shortcut variants duk_push_fixed_buffer() and duk_push_dynamic_buffer().

A dynamic buffer requires two memory allocations internally: one for the buffer header and another for the currently allocated data area. A fixed buffer only requires a single allocation: the data area follows the buffer header.
Be careful when requesting a zero length dynamic buffer: a NULL data pointer is not an error and should not confuse calling code.
Duktape can be compiled with a config option which disables automatic zeroing of allocated buffer data (zeroing is the default). If this is the case, you need to zero the buffer manually if necessary.

Example §

/* Allocate a fixed buffer of 1024 bytes.  There is no need to check for
 * the return value: an error is thrown if allocation fails.

void *p;

p = duk_push_buffer(ctx, 1024, 0);
printf("allocated buffer, data area: %p\n", p);

.duk_push_buffer_object() 1.3.0 stack bufferobject §

Prototype §

void duk_push_buffer_object(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t idx_buffer, duk_size_t byte_offset, duk_size_t byte_length, duk_uint_t flags);

Stack §

[ . . . buffer . . . ] [ . . . buffer . . . bufobj ] (when creating an ArrayBuffer or a view)
[ . . . ArrayBuffer . . . ] [ . . . ArrayBuffer . . . bufobj ] (when creating a view)

Summary §

Push a new buffer object or a buffer view object. An underlying plain buffer or an ArrayBuffer (accepted when creating a view) is provided at index idx_buffer. The type of the buffer or view is given in flags (e.g. DUK_BUFOBJ_UINT16ARRAY). The active range or "slice" used from the underlying buffer is indicated by byte_offset and byte_length.

The available buffer types are:

DefineBuffer/view type
DUK_BUFOBJ_NODEJS_BUFFERBuffer (Node.js), a Uint8Array inheriting from Buffer.prototype

When anything other than an ArrayBuffer is created and the backing buffer given as an argument is a plain buffer, an ArrayBuffer backing the view is automatically created. It is accessible through the buffer property of the view object. The ArrayBuffer's internal byteOffset will be zero so that the ArrayBuffer's index byteOffset matches the view's index 0. The ArrayBuffer's byteLength will be byte_offset + byte_length so that the view range is valid for the ArrayBuffer.

When creating an ArrayBuffer, it's strongly recommended that the byte_offset argument be zero. Otherwise the external .byteOffset property of any views constructed over the ArrayBuffer will be misleading: the value will be relative to the plain buffer underlying the ArrayBuffer, rather than relative to the ArrayBuffer. For a zero byte_offset there is no difference between the two offsets.

The underlying plain buffer should normally cover the range indicated by the byte_offset and byte_length arguments, but memory safety is guaranteed even if that is not the case. For example, an attempt to read values outside the underlying buffer will return zero. The underlying buffer size is intentionally not checked when creating a buffer object: even if the buffer fully covered the byte range during creation, it might be resized later.

Example §

/* Map byte range [100,150[ of plain buffer at idx_plain_buf into a
 * Uint16Array object which will have the following properties:
 *   - length: 25             (length in Uint16 elements)
 *   - byteLength: 50         (length in bytes)
 *   - byteOffset: 100        (byte offset to start of slice)
 *   - BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: 2   (Uint16)
 * The Uint16Array's .buffer property will be an ArrayBuffer with the
 * following properties:
 *   - byteLength: 200
 *   - internal byteOffset: 0

duk_push_buffer_object(ctx, idx_plain_buf, 100, 50, DUK_BUFOBJ_UINT16ARRAY);

.duk_push_c_function() 1.0.0 stack function §

Prototype §

duk_idx_t duk_push_c_function(duk_context *ctx, duk_c_function func, duk_idx_t nargs);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . func ]

Summary §

Push a new function object, associated with a C function, to the stack. The function object is an ECMAScript function object; when called, func will be called using the Duktape/C function interface. Returns non-negative index (relative to stack bottom) of the pushed function.

The nargs argument controls how the value stack looks like when func is entered:

  • If nargs is >= 0, it indicates the exact number of arguments the function expects to see; extra arguments are discarded and missing arguments are filled in with undefined values. Upon entry to the function, value stack top will always match nargs.
  • If nargs is set to DUK_VARARGS, the value stack will contain actual (variable) call arguments and the function needs to check actual argument count with duk_get_top().

The function created will be callable both as a normal function (func()) and as a constructor (new func()). You can differentiate between the two call styles using duk_is_constructor_call(). Although the function can be used as a constructor, it doesn't have an automatic prototype property like ECMAScript functions.

If you intend to use the pushed function as a constructor, you should usually create a prototype object and set the prototype property of the function manually.

Example §

duk_ret_t my_addtwo(duk_context *ctx) {
    double a, b;

    /* Here one can expect that duk_get_top(ctx) == 2, because nargs
     * for duk_push_c_function() is 2.

    a = duk_get_number(ctx, 0);
    b = duk_get_number(ctx, 1);
    duk_push_number(ctx, a + b);
    return 1;   /*  1 = return value at top
                 *  0 = return 'undefined'
                 * <0 = throw error (use DUK_RET_xxx constants)

void test(void) {
    duk_idx_t func_idx;

    func_idx = duk_push_c_function(ctx, my_addtwo, 2);
    duk_push_int(ctx, 2);
    duk_push_int(ctx, 3);  /* -> [ ... func 2 3 ] */
    duk_call(ctx, 2);      /* -> [ ... res ] */
    printf("2+3 is %ld\n", (long) duk_get_int(ctx, -1));

.duk_push_c_lightfunc() stack lightfunc function §

Prototype §

duk_idx_t duk_push_c_lightfunc(duk_context *ctx, duk_c_function func, duk_idx_t nargs, duk_idx_t length, duk_int_t magic);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . func ]

Summary §

Push a new lightfunc value, associated with a C function, to the stack. Returns non-negative index (relative to stack bottom) of the pushed lightfunc.

A lightfunc is a tagged value which contains a Duktape/C function pointer and a small set of internal control flags with no related heap allocations. The internal control flags encode the nargs, length, and magic values, which therefore have significant restrictions:

  • nargs must be [0,14] or DUK_VARARGS.
  • length must be [0,15] and maps to the virtual length property of the lightfunc.
  • magic must be [-128,127].

A lightfunc cannot hold any own properties, it only has virtual name and length properties, and inherits further properties from Function.prototype.

The nargs argument controls how the value stack looks like when func is entered, and behaves like for ordinary Duktape/C functions, see duk_push_c_function().

The function created will be callable both as a normal function (func()) and as a constructor (new func()). You can differentiate between the two call styles using duk_is_constructor_call(). Although the function can be used as a constructor, it cannot have a prototype property like normal Function objects.

If you intend to use the pushed lightfunc as a constructor, and want to use a custom prototype object (instead of Object.prototype), the lightfunc must return an object value. The object will then replace the default instance (bound to this) automatically created for the constructor, and will be the value of a new MyLightFunc() expression.

Example §

duk_idx_t func_idx;

func_idx = duk_push_c_lightfunc(ctx, my_addtwo, 2 /*nargs*/, 2 /*length*/, 0 /*magic*/);

.duk_push_context_dump() 1.0.0 stack debug §

Prototype §

void duk_push_context_dump(duk_context *ctx);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . str ]

Summary §

Push a one-line string summarizing the state of the current activation of context ctx. This is useful for debugging Duktape/C code and is not intended for production use.

The exact dump contents are version specific. The current format includes the stack top (i.e. number of elements on the stack) and prints out the current elements as an array of JX-formatted (Duktape's custom extended JSON format) values. The example below would print something like:

ctx: top=2, stack=[123,"foo"]
You should not leave dump calls in production code.

Example §

duk_push_int(ctx, 123);
duk_push_string(ctx, "foo");
printf("%s\n", duk_to_string(ctx, -1));

.duk_push_current_function() 1.0.0 stack function §

Prototype §

void duk_push_current_function(duk_context *ctx);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . func ] (if current function exists)
[ . . . ] [ . . . undefined ] (if no current function)

Summary §

Push the currently running function to the stack. The value pushed is an ECMAScript Function object. If there is no current function, undefined is pushed instead.

If the current function was called via one or more bound functions or a Proxy object, the function returned from this call is the final, resolved function (not the bound function or the Proxy).

This function allows a C function to gain access to its function object. Since multiple function objects can internally point to the same C function, a function object is a convenient place for function parameterization and can also act as an internal state stash.

Example §


.duk_push_current_thread() 1.0.0 thread stack function borrowed §

Prototype §

void duk_push_current_thread(duk_context *ctx);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . thread ] (if current thread exists)
[ . . . ] [ . . . undefined ] (if no current thread)

Summary §

Push the currently running Duktape thread to the stack. The value pushed is a thread object which is also an ECMAScript object. If there is no current thread, undefined is pushed instead.

The current thread is (almost always) the thread represented by the ctx pointer.

To get the duk_context * associated with the thread, use duk_get_context().

Example §


.duk_push_dynamic_buffer() 1.0.0 stack buffer §

Prototype §

void *duk_push_dynamic_buffer(duk_context *ctx, duk_size_t size);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . buf ]

Summary §

Allocate a dynamic (resizable) buffer and push it to the value stack. Shortcut for duk_push_buffer() with dynamic = 1.

Example §

void *p;

p = duk_push_dynamic_buffer(ctx, 1024);
printf("allocated buffer, data area: %p\n", p);

.duk_push_error_object() 1.0.0 stack object error §

Prototype §

duk_idx_t duk_push_error_object(duk_context *ctx, duk_errcode_t err_code, const char *fmt, ...);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . err ]

Summary §

Create a new error object and push it to the value stack (the error is not thrown). Returns non-negative index (relative to stack bottom) of the pushed error object.

The message property of the error object will be set to a sprintf-formatted string using fmt and the remaining arguments. The internal prototype for the created error object is chosen based on err_code. For instance, DUK_ERR_RANGE_ERROR causes the built-in RangeError prototype to be used. The valid range for user error codes is [1,16777215].

Example §

duk_idx_t err_idx;

err_idx = duk_push_error_object(ctx, DUK_ERR_TYPE_ERROR, "invalid argument value: %d", arg_value);

.duk_push_error_object_va() 1.1.0 vararg stack object error §

Prototype §

duk_idx_t duk_push_error_object_va(duk_context *ctx, duk_errcode_t err_code, const char *fmt, va_list ap);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . err ]

Summary §

Vararg variant of duk_push_error_object().

This API call is not fully portable because the va_end() macro in the calling code may never be reached (e.g. due to an error throw). Some implementations rely on va_end() to e.g. free memory allocated by va_start(); see However, such implementations are rare so this isn't usually a practical concern.

Example §

duk_idx_t my_type_error(duk_context *ctx, const char *fmt, ...) {
    va_list ap;
    duk_idx_t err_idx;

    va_start(ap, fmt);
    err_idx = duk_push_error_object_va(ctx, DUK_ERR_TYPE_ERROR, fmt, ap);

    return err_idx;

.duk_push_external_buffer() 1.3.0 stack buffer §

Prototype §

void duk_push_external_buffer(duk_context *ctx);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . buf ]

Summary §

Allocate an external buffer and push it to the value stack. An external buffer refers to a user allocated external buffer which is not memory managed by Duktape. The initial external buffer pointer is NULL and size is zero. You can use duk_config_buffer() to update the external buffer pointer and size.

External buffers are useful to allow ECMAScript code access externally allocated data structures. You can use it to e.g. write bytes to an externally allocated frame buffer. The external buffer has no alignment requirements (Duktape makes no alignment assumptions when accessing it).

Example §

void *p;
duk_size_t len;

/* Allocate a frame buffer from a hypothetical graphics library.
 * The frame buffer is allocated outside of Duktape.
p = allocate_frame_buffer(1920 /*width*/, 1080 /*height*/);
len = 1920 * 1080 * 4;

/* Create an external buffer pointing to the frame buffer. */
duk_config_buffer(ctx, -1, p, len);

/* ECMAScript code with access to the buffer object could now do
 * something like:
 *    buf[100] = 123;
 * Calling code must make sure ECMAScript never reads/writes an
 * external buffer whose backing buffer is no longer valid.

.duk_push_false() 1.0.0 stack §

Prototype §

void duk_push_false(duk_context *ctx);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . false ]

Summary §

Push false to stack. Equivalent to calling duk_push_boolean(ctx, 0).

Example §


.duk_push_fixed_buffer() 1.0.0 stack buffer §

Prototype §

void *duk_push_fixed_buffer(duk_context *ctx, duk_size_t size);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . buf ]

Summary §

Allocate a fixed size buffer and push it to the value stack. Shortcut for duk_push_buffer() with dynamic = 0.

Example §

void *p;

p = duk_push_fixed_buffer(ctx, 1024);
printf("allocated buffer, data area: %p\n", p);

.duk_push_global_object() 1.0.0 stack object §

Prototype §

void duk_push_global_object(duk_context *ctx);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . global ]

Summary §

Push the global object to the stack.

Example §


.duk_push_global_stash() 1.0.0 stash stack sandbox object module §

Prototype §

void duk_push_global_stash(duk_context *ctx);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . stash ]

Summary §

Push the global stash object to the stack. The global stash is an internal object which can be used to store key/value pairs from C code so that they are reachable for garbage collection, but are not accessible from ECMAScript code. The stash is only accessible from C code with a ctx argument associated with the same global object.

Example §

duk_ret_t set_timer_callback(duk_context *ctx) {
    duk_dup(ctx, 0);  /* timer callback */
    duk_put_prop_string(ctx, -2, "timerCallback");
    return 0;

.duk_push_heap_stash() 1.0.0 stash stack sandbox object module §

Prototype §

void duk_push_heap_stash(duk_context *ctx);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . stash ]

Summary §

Push the heap stash object to the stack. The heap stash is an internal object which can be used to store key/value pairs from C code so that they are reachable for garbage collection, but are not accessible from ECMAScript code. The stash is only accessible from C code; the same stash object is used by all code sharing the same Duktape heap (even if they don't share the same global object).

Example §


.duk_push_heapptr() 1.1.0 stack object heapptr borrowed §

Prototype §

duk_idx_t duk_push_heapptr(duk_context *ctx, void *ptr);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . obj ] (if ptr != NULL)
[ . . . ] [ . . . undefined ] (if ptr == NULL)

Summary §

Push a Duktape heap object into the value stack using a borrowed pointer reference from duk_get_heapptr() or its variants. If ptr is NULL, undefined is pushed.

The caller is responsible for ensuring that the argument ptr is still valid (not freed by Duktape garbage collection) when it is pushed. Failure to do so results in unpredictable and memory unsafe behavior.

There are two basic ways to ensure this:

  • Strong backing reference: ensure that the related heap object is always reachable for Duktape garbage collection between duk_get_heapptr() and duk_push_heapptr(). For example, ensure that the related object has been written to a stash while the borrowed void pointer is being used. In essence, the application is holding a borrowed reference which is backed by a strongly referenced value. This was the only supported approach before Duktape 2.1.
  • Weak reference + finalizer: add a (preferably native) finalizer for the related heap object and stop using the void pointer at the latest when the finalizer is called (assuming the object is not rescued by the finalizer). Starting from Duktape 2.1 duk_push_heapptr() is allowed for unreachable objects pending finalization, all the way up to the actual finalizer call; the object will be rescued and the finalizer call automatically cancelled. This approach allows an application to hold weak references to the related objects. However, see limitations below.
Finalizer calls may silently fail e.g. due to out-of-memory. When relying on finalizer calls to indicate an end of pointer validity, a missed finalizer call may cause a dangling pointer to be given to duk_push_heapptr(). There's currently no workaround for this situation, so if out-of-memory conditions are to be expected, the finalizer-based approach may not work reliably. Future work is to ensure that an object is not freed without at least a successful entry into a native finalizer function, see

Example §

void *ptr;
duk_idx_t idx;

/* 'ptr' originally obtained using duk_get_heapptr() earlier: */

idx = duk_push_heapptr(ctx, ptr);

.duk_push_int() 1.0.0 stack §

Prototype §

void duk_push_int(duk_context *ctx, duk_int_t val);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . val ]

Summary §

Convert val to an IEEE double and push it to the stack.

This is a shorthand for calling duk_push_number(ctx, (duk_double_t) val).

Example §

duk_push_int(ctx, 123);

.duk_push_literal() 2.3.0 stack literal §

Prototype §

const char *duk_push_literal(duk_context *ctx, const char *str_literal);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . str ]

Summary §

Push a C literal into the stack and return a pointer to the interned string data area (which may or may not be the same as the argument literal). The argument str_literal:

  • must be a non-NULL C literal like "foo" which can be operated on using e.g. sizeof(str), where sizeof() yields string length, including the automatic NUL terminator (for example, sizeof("foo") is 4);
  • must have immutable data contents, i.e. read-only memory, or writable memory but guaranteed not to be changed; and
  • must not contain internal NUL characters, and must have a terminating NUL as usual for C strings.

The str_literal argument may be evaluated multiple times by the API macro. No runtime NULL pointer check is made for the str_literal argument so passing in a NULL causes memory unsafe behavior.

This call is conceptually equivalent to duk_push_string(). Calling code only needs to use it if the minor differences in footprint or speed matter. The properties of immutable C literals allows minor optimizations in Duktape internals:

  • The length of the string can be computed at compile time using sizeof(str_literal) - 1 at the call site.
  • By default heap strings accessed via C literals (duk_push_literal() or any of the literal convenience calls like duk_get_prop_literal()) are automatically pinned until the next mark-and-sweep round, and there's a lookup cache for mapping a C literal address to the pinned internal heap string. This optimization doesn't assume string deduplication (which is common but not guaranteed), i.e. there may be multiple addresses with the same literal data.
  • Because the string data is assumed to be immutable, the internal string representation could just point to the data instead of making a copy. (This optimization is not done as of Duktape 2.5.)

If input string might contain internal NUL characters, use duk_push_lstring() instead. For duk_push_literal() handling of embedded NULs depends on config options and calling code should never rely on the behavior.

Example §

/* Basic case. */
duk_push_literal(ctx, "foo");

/* Argument may involve compile time concatenation and parentheses. */
duk_push_literal(ctx, ("foo" "bar"));

/* Argument may also be e.g. DUK_HIDDEN_SYMBOL() which produces a literal. */
duk_push_literal(ctx, DUK_HIDDEN_SYMBOL("mySymbol"));

.duk_push_lstring() 1.0.0 string stack §

Prototype §

const char *duk_push_lstring(duk_context *ctx, const char *str, duk_size_t len);

Stack §

[ . . . ] [ . . . str ]

Summary §

Push a string of explicit length to the stack. The string may contain arbitrary data, including internal NUL characters. A pointer to the interned string data is returned. If the operation fails, throws an error.

If str is NULL, an empty string is pushed to the stack (regardless of what len is) and a non-NULL pointer to an empty string is returned. The returned pointer can be dereferenced and a NUL terminator character is guaranteed. This behavior differs from duk_push_string on purpose.

C code should normally only push valid CESU-8 strings to the stack.

Example §

const char tmp1[5] = { 'f', '\0', '\0', 'x', 'y' };
const char tmp2[1] = { '\0' };

duk_push_lstring(ctx, tmp1, 5);   /* push the string "f\x00\x00xy" */
duk_push_lstring(ctx, tmp2, 1);   /* push the string "\x00" */
duk_push_lstring(ctx, tmp2, 0);   /* push empty string */